[Swprograms] Deutsche Welle Programs
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[Swprograms] Deutsche Welle Programs

Being off line with a dead computer until today I was not able to update 
the Deutsche Welle program listing until today.



This week on Living in Germany: the legacy of the Pied Piper of Hamelin.

Hamelin may be a small town in Germany, but it's known all around the world. It's the place where, many hundreds of years ago, a man dressed in colourful clothing played a pipe and led all the rats away, to free the town of a plague. But that wasn't the last the town saw of the rat-catcher. Some weeks later, he returned to lead 130 children away. First published by the Brothers Grimm, it's a story of good and bad, revenge, honour and mystery. And although the events it describes are centuries old, the tale is alive and well. In fact, if it wasn't for the Pied Piper Hamelin wouldn't have the tourist industry it does today. Avril Vorsay has been to meet some of the town's modern day rat-catchers.


Great expectations - German business and the upcoming Federal elections

Although Germany's President Horst Koehler has not yet decided whether or not he will allow Chancellor Schroeder's application for dissolving the parliament and paving the way for an early election, the major political parties in Germany have already presented their election programs. Steffen Marquardt has a closer look at how representatives of industry and trade are reacting to the manifestoes and what they expect from a new government.

Secret accounts and luxurious getaways - Volkswagen's corruption scandal is not the only problem plaguing Europe's largest car manufacturer

Volkswagen top manager Peter Hartz is the latest victim of the bribery scandal that is rocking Europe's biggest car manufacturer. He is considered one of the central figures of the affair that includes secret banking accounts for luxurious weekend getaways of Volkswagen union representatives. Hartz, who is also one of the authors of Germany's latest labor market reforms bearing his name, is widely seen as one of the men who helped save Volkswagen in the 1990s. Back then a series of innovative reforms such as the four-day week saved ten thousands of jobs. But the so-called VW system Hartz created, has been under fire in the wake of the bribery scandal. At Volkswagen unions and workers are far more intimately involved in strategic decisions than at other companies. But since VW has been losing money with its core brand, the Volkswagen system has been blamed for holding the company back from making the changes needed to boost profitability. With Peter Hartz out of the way Wolfga
 ng Bernhard, the new head of Volkswagen's core brands, can now accelerate his bold restructuring plans. Money Talks host Thomas Kohlmann asked Patrick Juchemich, auto analyst at German private bank Sal. Oppenheim, what it will take to make VW profitable again.

Trying to make ends meet - Germany's new working poor

Its one American trend that Germans never wanted to import: people forced to work several low paying jobs just to make ends meet. But it seems this problem can't be avoided as a growing number of Germans are now among the nation's new working poor. With the latest labor market reforms, dubbed the Hartz IV legislation, more people then ever are forced to accept low-income jobs. Their only hope is that some day soon they will be able to lead a decent life again - with only one job. Caroline Wincza has the story.

New role models for the Arab world - Business women in the United Arab Emirates

When you think of women in Arab countries, you probably imagine head scarves and dark robes. The popular perception of Arab women is that they have lots of children, stay at home and don't have rights that men have: going out, participating in public life, and more than anything, being part of the business world. But in the United Arab Emirates, women are prominent in the workforce. In fact, forty percent have a job. Nora Hertel met some of them. Marta Thor adapted her story.

Broadcast times can be found by going to www.dwelle.de/english and looking for 'DW Radio' on the left side of the page. To listen to DW a link is on the right side of the page.

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