[Swprograms] Habana expands English for Terrorism Meeting
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[Swprograms] Habana expands English for Terrorism Meeting

>From DXLD 5-091 and 5-092 so far:

** CUBA. We wanted English from Habana in the mornings; we got it!
Unfortunately it`s not innocuous cultural or musical programming, but a running
and rather halting, rough, translation by a woman of a nonFidel live speech in
Spanish about Posada Carriles and the long dirty history of US terrorism
against Cuba (as if there is no blood on Fidel`s hands) --- first noted in
progress at 1341 UT June 2, in Spanish on 11760 and 11800, but in English on
9550, 12000 and 13680! At 1355 announcers broke in, to explain it is coverage
of an International Conference Against Terror, etc., taking place in Habana,
and some historian had been speaking, but didn`t catch his name. Exciting
stuff. Later after 1400 a woman was speaking, apparently in original English.
Still going past 1500 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Once again this morning, Fri June 3, RHC has special morning English
broadcasts, live coverage in translation by YL of the International Meeting
Against Terrorism, For Truth & Justice, as identified at 1350 UT. Tuned in at
1330 on 9550, 12000 and 13680 in English when someone from Paraguay was
speaking. The English channels allowed the original Spanish to cut on and off
abruptly during English pauses, very annoying; otherwise the Spanish track was
inaudible, rather than barely audible as it had been the day before. I meant to
mention yesterday that of the usual Spanish frequencies, 15230 was inaudible
but it was on today, tho weaker than the others, presumably aimed at SAm.
Spanish also on 11760, 11800, 6000 (barely audible by 1354 check), and 11875,
which I had not noted on Thursday, but the latter was gone when rechecked at
1420. Fidel is presiding over this event, which guarantees it full coverage on
RHC, and VP Rangel of Venezuela is also there. At 1420, audio on 13680 was
almost gone, another bad patch cord, I guess, but OK on 9550, as the mother of
a Disappeared from Argentina finished speaking. It appears that just about
every unfortunate event in Latin America over the past 50 years can be
classified as terrorism now, with the CIA and USA somehow behind them (Glenn

[Later:]. I couldn`t keep listening but made sporadic checks when possible,
sometimes on the car radio, which suffers from insensitivity and local FM image
overload on some frequencies. At 1619, there was music on the Spanish
frequencies, and could not hear any of the English frequencies. At 1649,
Spanish on 11760, English on 9550, and too much noise on 12 and 13 MHz. 1830
recheck, 9550 still with English. Live events at the meeting were apparently in
recess much of this time, accounting for music breaks, and discussion from the
studio, interviews from the floor with Ed Newman. At 1840 all three English
frequencies reconfirmed, and at 1842, 11760 paused for an ID in Spanish
mentioning the same set of frequencies as earlier in the morning, and all
confirmed except for 6000, and yes, 11875 was back on. At 1930, English still
going from the studio with music breaks, discussing Operation Condor, which
Fidel thinks is still in operation thruout Latin America. The conference
started Thursday, but I`m not sure whether it lasts two or three days. Will RHC
blow away its scheduled language programming this afternoon or reserve a few
transmitters for that, and Venezuela relay which is supposed to be on 3 or 4
frequencies including 13680 at 2000? We should read all about it and listen to
webcast at http://www.radiohc.cu --- yeah, sure, down as frequently the case

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