[Swprograms] FACES FORWARD: Radio Riddler Delights (and Stumps) Israeli Listeners
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[Swprograms] FACES FORWARD: Radio Riddler Delights (and Stumps) Israeli Listeners

I wonder what network and time this is on. Can it be heard on
shortwave or on the internet on Reshet Bet? 


By Dina Kraft
May 20, 2005

The clock in the wood-paneled radio booth counts down the minutes to 8
a.m. The intro music is cued, and Dan Chamizer is once again on the

He's got another clue for his listeners from all across Israel who are
desperate to solve his latest riddle. After several days, the prize
has climbed to $23,000. None of the thousands who call Israel Radio
each day ? or the tens of thousands who send answers in the form of
text messages from their cellular phones ? has come up with the
correct answer.

His riddles, which are broadcast daily, are based on mind-bending
twists of free association, using verbal and sometimes visual clues.
The answers are always two words. Since he went on air two months ago,
the previously flagging ratings of the morning news show on which he
appears have soared to record-breaking levels.

Because of his popular puzzles, Chamizer has entered Israeli slang:
his name is now shorthand for a "stumper." When Israelis encounter a
seemingly impossible question, they call it a "chamizer."

Today's riddle is typically confounding, full of seemingly nonsensical
wordplay. Chamizer translated it into English as: "You are invited in
a yellow-and-red display like an elected mayor in for the final game."

Chamizer, 57, a former air force pilot turned national riddle master,
smiles as he adjusts his headphones and listens to the day's first

The caller, who says her name is Rachel, guesses that the riddle's
two-word answer is "Eshet Chayel," or a woman of valor. She goes
through her solution methodically, describing how she made each clue

Chamizer is impressed.

"Wow, good job," he says, scribbling down notes in a small notebook.
"You have made my morning."

But her answer is not the right one.

On to the next caller. And the next, and the next. There are six
callers, with each answer wildly unlike the others. A doctor guesses
that the answer is the Jewish revolt against the Romans. Another
caller offers Um Rush, the name of the Arab village that stood on land
that today is the southern port city of Eilat.

"What? What do you mean? I don't have the right answer?" one
incredulous caller said.

"Everyone goes in a million different directions. That is part of the
beauty of it," Chamizer explained.

Chamizer, who has been creating riddles for Israeli and foreign
audiences for 20 years, says he is delighted that his riddles ? many
based on Israeli history and culture ? are helping people expand their

"Most people don't solve the riddles but no one thinks it wasn't worth
trying it, because they get to use their curiosity," he said.

Chamizer has made riddle-making a full-time business. He has created
riddles for newspapers, television stations, banks, Jewish
organizations and schools, and has launched national treasure hunts.

One of his projects, funded by the Bronfman Foundation, has been a
contest for Diaspora youth who try to untangle riddles with the help
of Israeli Web sites. Working with the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee, Chamizer created a competition for Israeli
schoolchildren with answers that focused on the Ethiopian Jewish
community, a way to boost awareness and understanding of the
community. He has also worked with Israeli government ministries and
with Swiss Air, Intel, Microsoft and the Hilton hotel chain.

Chamizer's most recent radio riddles were launched two months ago by a
new sponsor, the Israeli lottery authority, which pledged half a
million shekels ? about $115,000 ? in prize money.

The riddles first aired on the radio in the 1990s; now that they've
hit the airwaves again they've drawn an even larger response, thanks
to the ability to send text messages via cell phone. The show has
received about 400,000 text messages in its first two months. About
850,000 people hear the show each day, a record 18% ratings share for
Israel Radio.

Members of the production team for Israel Radio's morning show say
they've given up trying to figure out the riddles.

"It's too hard for us," joked Anna Itzkovitz, a member of the team.

She said she recently received a call from a distant cousin she hadn't
spoken to in years, who said, "You work for Israel Radio. Maybe you
can help me solve the riddle," Itzkovitz said.

The contest's producer at Israel Radio, Autman Wihbe, said he has to
field thousands of calls each day from people who beg to be put on the
air, each claiming to be the only one who can break the riddle's
enigmatic code. Some people call every day.

Chamizer says that the people who eventually do win have very little
in common except their drive to find an answer.

A security guard at a bank won the first riddle two months ago. Most
recently, a former Jerusalem schoolteacher, Nomi Teltsh, won $55,000.
The answer to the puzzle she solved were the first and last words of
the Bible.

Teltsh says she spent four weeks trying to crack Chamizer's logic and
sent dozens of text messages with the wrong answer before hitting on
her jackpot solution.

"I tried to think what the strategy and tactics were," Teltsh said.
"It just sucks you in. Suddenly your head is spinning with ideas.''


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