Re: [Swprograms] What Your Home Page or Starting Portal (Is It a Radio Page)?
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Re: [Swprograms] What Your Home Page or Starting Portal (Is It a Radio Page)?

Either or yeah you can see what I'm 
into.. LOL

c Copeland wrote:

> What "Homepage" or Portal Page do you Usually log onto? (ie what page 
> does your browser open when you 1st go on line?) 
> Is it a radio station? (BBCWS or just 'BBC'? Another shortwave 
> station? A local all news station? etc.) A newspaper? Or other portal?
> I use the My Way portal
> (Don't download their toolbar--a vehicle for adware! Set it as your 
> Homepage.  I have 100+ favorites on the right hand column & NY 
> Times (etc) articles linked in the middle main news section. I avoid 
> their (paid) search by using the Google Deskbar (Not the Google 
> toolbar!).    Much better than "My Yahoo" & no ads!  Been using it 
> since I read Steve Bass's column in 2002 PC World discussing home 
> pages and why he switched from Yahoo 
> What about secondary portals? Browsers like Maxthon allow you to 
> automatically load say 4 'Home pages' as a a particular 
> order.  (I haven't activated that on Maxthon myself).
> ------------
> What got me thinking about all this this was a recent speech to 
> editors Washington by newspaper (The Times & Sun in the U.K. & other 
> media) mogul Rupert Murdock.
> He uses the distinction between 'digital immigrants' (the over 40 
> crowd) & 'digital natives.'
> [Whether digital natives will ever embrace shortwave (short of the 
> internet infrastruce being destroyed) is a frequent topic in the SW 
> hobby--including SW Programs). 
> Murdoch suggests (not new but signifucant coming from him) that 
> newspapers need to fight to become their readers' Hiome Page or Portal.
> Interesting also in light of the fact that when the founder of Craig's 
> List (a mostly free portal for want ads in many cities around the world)
> was introduced at a recent newspaper conference, most of the editors 
> said "Craig Who?" (The Craig whose online classifieds are stealing all 
> your print classified revenue!
> See article: "Craig Who?" by Steve Outing of Apr 20 '05
> <>
> Chet C
> ======================================
> Media Gardian (free registration required) Apr 14
> Excerpts:
> Describing himself as a "digital immigrant" in contrast to his young 
> daughters, who would be "digital natives", he said the internet was 
> "an emerging medium that is not my native language".
> ...Mr Murdoch, who turned 74 last month, admitted it was hard for 
> "digital immigrants" like him to get to grips with the challenge of 
> the internet.
> "The peculiar challenge then, is for us digital immigrants - many of 
> whom are in positions to determine how news is assembled and 
> disseminated - to apply a digital mindset to a set of challenges that 
> we unfortunately have limited to no first-hand experience dealing with.
> "We need to realise that the next generation of people accessing news 
> and information, whether from newspapers or any other source, have a 
> different set of expectations about the kind of news they will get, 
> including when and how they will get it, where they will get it from, 
> and who they will get it from."
> He said consumers between the ages of 18-34 were increasingly using 
> the web as their medium of choice for news and neglected more 
> traditional media.
> ..."The data may show that young people aren't reading newspapers as 
> much as their predecessors, but it doesn't show they don't want news. 
> In fact, they want a lot of news, just faster news of a different kind 
> and delivered in a different way."
> He said he wanted to turns newspapers into "destinations" that 
> rivalled the success of the internet portals, "the Yahoos, Googles, 
> and MSNs".
> "The challenge for us... is to create an internet presence that is 
> compelling enough for users to make us their home page. Just as people 
> traditionally started their day with coffee and the newspaper, in the 
> future, our hope should be that for those who start their day online, 
> it will be with coffee and our website."
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