[Swprograms] Consultants view of BBC's public service role
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[Swprograms] Consultants view of BBC's public service role

Senior programme editors across the BBC are being shown a badly edited video
of a "presentation" designed to explain "the new myth" of the BBC and to
clear up any confusion over why 20 per cent of its programme makers must now
be made redundant.

Using wipe-boards covered with buzz words like enrichment and empowerment,
as well as child-like drawings of "Anna Analogue" and "Digital Joe", an
American "facilitator" and "thought-provoker" tells the BBC it can no longer
exist as a mere public service broadcaster. It must now, he says, "embrace a
new myth" by becoming a "hybrid public value content distributor" instead.
Note the deletion of the word "broadcasting" from this vision. In-house
programme making has suddenly become much less of a priority.

So who is this guy? He is Herman Gyr and he is not a broadcaster. His US
company, Enterprise Development Group. serves up almost identical
psycho-babble at $12,000 a time to comapnies with "a fear of complex
change": fisheries, "beverage industries", hotels and hospitality, but not,
until now, a public institution like the BBC.

(Media News, Private Eye, April 15th)

Wonder if this guy has done a presentation for World Service with child like
drawings of crotechety old "Shortwave Sam" as against hip opinion forming
"FM Freddie" and "Internet Ian"

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