[Swprograms] Re: Why is BBC World Service reducing its short wave provision?
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[Swprograms] Re: Why is BBC World Service reducing its short wave provision?

> John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote
> I'm sure the rather smug management at Bush House will chuckle at all
> this and shrug it off.  But I wouldn't be surprised if, while the BBC
> is dithering and dicing up audiences, CRI begins to eat the BBC's lunch
> in North America.  Call it "Old Europe Makes Way for New Asia".  While
> the BBC steadily abandons and discards the public service broadcasting
> principles it historically created, perfected and nurtured, CRI seems
> to--more and more--be embracing those very principles.

Which public service broadcasting principles is CRI embracing???

It is the propaganda arm of the Chinese Communist Party. The Party restricts
its citizens access to foreign media by jamming and blocking internet sites.
CRI journalists are restricted in what they are able to report.

Demonstrations against the party elite, in particular corruption by local
officials, are becoming more widespread. The State Constitution allows
people to be arrested for vaguely worded actions against the state and
denies them a fair trial. It routinely uses torture. Check the Amnesty
International or Human Rights Watch sites for many examples. There will
doubtless be many more that are unreported. You will not hear about this on
CRI. It does not serve the public, it serves the Party.

The BBC on the other hand will report on criticism of UK government policies
and UK breaches of human rights, for example in the treatment of prisioners
in Iraq.

As to the Rumsfeldesque "Old Europe makes way for New Asia" comparison
well I prefer to live in an Old European culture which respects human rights
and to have a domestic and international public service broadcaster which is
independent of any government party line.

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