[Swprograms] Re: [dxld] Why is BBC World Service reducing its short wave provision?
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[Swprograms] Re: [dxld] Why is BBC World Service reducing its short wave provision?

The BBC isn't alone in fueling this downward trend.  The radio
manufacturers and book publishers are also culpable.

As John correctly states, SW receiver sales in the USA are up, and
have been.  However, there is very little information shared by the
receiver manufacturers / sellers as to *who* the people are who are
buying the radios, *why* they're buying them, and *what* they listen
to.  What resources do they use to identify what's on and when?  How
do they find out about fellow radio enthusiasts who share their love
for the medium?  What role (if any) are the radio manufacturers taking
to help ensure that content remains available in the future?  Are they
lobbying the BBC / RVI / DW?

Meanwhile, one of the two leading annual shortwave references has
nothing in its book to help its readers identify others out there who
share their passion.  No mention of clubs, online references, e-mail
lists, chat groups, whatever.  No way for the buyers of that reference
to easily dialogue with other shortwave listeners.

The BBCWS uses statistics that are self-serving:  If you drop your
shortwave availability, then fewer people *will* find you by
shortwave.  Duh!

All hope is not lost, though.  A few of us at the Fest last weekend
discussed possible ways to bridge the communications gaps identified
above, because these companies, fueled by listener passion, are an
important way to counter the obfuscatory statistics exuding from Bush

John also points out the harsh realities that underlie the economics
of shortwave broadcasting -- if you can get the consumer to directly
(or indirectly) pay part of the freight for transmitting and
distributing the broadcaster's "signal", that's money saved.  The only
countervailing argument to that economic reality is an argument that
addresses 1) the "value" of a multiple-hour shortwave listener versus
the value of someone lucky enough to catch a 5-minute newscast; 2) The
public service heritage and, as appropriate, charter under which a
broadcaster operates.

About the only "good news" to come from this is that we seek to expand
the dialogue regarding shortwave to as many stakeholders as possible. 
Working together might help us  better "market" shortwave to
broadcasters than working separately.

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005 21:21:51 -0500, John Figliozzi
<jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Complete and utter b.s. IMHO.
> The sales figure for shortwave radios in the US alone is UP each and
> every one of the past seven years.
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