[Swprograms] RA Previews #783; 7-11 Feb '05
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[Swprograms] RA Previews #783; 7-11 Feb '05

Edition 783
Feb. 7-11, 2005

Days and times are in UTC. An * indicates that a program is produced by
Radio Australia. All others are produced by Radio National or by other
ABC Radio networks as indicated. Further information about these
programs, as well as transcripts and on-demand audio files of
particular programs, and a wealth of supporting information can be
obtained from <abc.net.au/radio> and
<abc.net.au/ra/guide/programs_az.htm> . Additional information and a
key to abbreviations and symbols used appear at the bottom of the page.


[EDITOR'S NOTE:  Some programming may be preempted by cricket coverage.]

(RA or ABC News every hour on the hour)


0005 -
	Mon.: AWAYE! - produced and presented by Aboriginal broadcasters and is
Australia's only national Indigenous arts and culture program. 
[abc.net.au/rn/awaye/] for details. [%]
	Tue.: THE SCIENCE SHOW - with Robyn Williams. This week: "Science and 
Show Business - Part 1:  Science and Credulity". Jane Goodall looks at 
the history of tension between science and show business, the 
contradiction between promoting the sceptical attitude and a respect 
for evidence, while accepting the magic of show business and
conjuring.  Program 1 of this three part series looks at how scientific 
principles have been promoted over time and how this compares to the 
rise of magic and razzle dazzle in side shows, circuses and Broadway 
shows, even TV shows like The X-Files.  So when do we stop believing 
and when do we start again?  How do we balance scepticism and 
credulity?  Is science under threat in the contest between the rational 
and the paranormal in programs like The X-Files? [%]
	Wed.: THE NATIONAL INTEREST - Terry Lane looks at the major issues of 
the week. This week: "Trashing the VCR". Lane alerts us to a court case 
in the United States that could fundamentally reshape our use of 
technology. In 1984 Hollywood tried to have video recorders banned 
because they could be used to copy TV shows. The case failed because 
the court argued that video recorders had other uses that did not 
infringe copyright. Now the media moguls are trying again, this time 
they have internet file-swapping and i-pods in their sights. Also, are 
Australia and New Zealand drifting apart? Terry talks to veteran New 
Zealand political commentator Colin James about Trans-Tasman relations. 
	Thu.: BACKGROUND BRIEFING - Radio National's agenda-setting, current
affairs radio documentary program. This week: "Politics vs. Supreme 
Court". Coming judicial appointments might firm up a Republican mindset 
on the US Supreme Court.
Sharona Coutts reports that the ramifications for American society and 
the world are highly charged, significant and sensitive. [T;%]
	Fri.: HINDSIGHT - social history with Claudia Taranto. This week: 
“Torn Curtain--Science, Spies and Australia's Bid for the Bomb". In 
July 1949 Tom Kaiser, a brilliant young Australian physicist and member 
of the Communist Party, took part in a demonstration outside Australia 
House in London. Within days he was caught up in a web of Cold War 
intrigue involving Australia's bid to get nuclear weapons and a Soviet 
spy ring in Canberra. [%]

0105 -
	ASIA PACIFIC (refer to 2305)
0130 -
	Mon.: HEALTH REPORT - with Dr. Norman Swan. This week: "Beneficial 
of Sunlight on Cancer". We all know that too much sunlight can cause 
skin cancer. However studies have now suggested that sunlight may be 
beneficial in some cancers. It may reduce the risk of non-Hodgkin 
lymphoma and may also play a role in melanoma survival. Professor Bruce 
Armstrong, Head of the School of Public Health at Sydney University, 
talks about these studies. Also on the program: Associate Professor
Rebecca Mason, Head of the Department of Physiology at Sydney 
University, talks about the role and effects of Vitamin D. [T; %]
	Tue.: LAW REPORT - with Damien Carrick. This weekj: "John Elliott's 
Bankruptcy; Jury Selection in the Michael Jackson Trial". John Elliott 
- the 80s corporate giant - has just filed for bankruptcy. When it 
comes to pushing someone over the financial cliff, do creditors think 
only in cold, hard commercial terms - or do other considerations come 
into play? Also - the Michael Jackson trial. Jury selection California 
style is now underway. Potential jurors must answer lengthy 
questionnaires and then be questioned on their answers. Who exactly is 
on trial? [T;%]
	Wed.: RELIGION REPORT - with Stephen Crittenden.
[abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/relrpt] for details.
	Thu.: MEDIA REPORT - with Mick O'Regan.
[abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/mediarpt/] for details. [T;%]
	Fri.: SPORTS FACTOR - debating and celebrating the cultural
significance of sport. [abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/sportsf/] for details.

0210 -
	THE 	WORLD TODAY - a comprehensive current affairs program which
backgrounds, analyses, interprets and encourages debate on events and
issues of interest and importance to all Australians. [T;%]

0310 -
0320 -
	LIFE MATTERS - interview program about social change and day-to-day
life in Australia with Julie McCrossin. [%]

0410 -
	BUSH TELEGRAPH - an entertaining look at rural and regional issues 
around Australia. [abc.net.au/rn/telegraph/] for details. [T;%]
		Tue.: "Water Plan for Perth". The Kimberley is renowned for unlimited 
water and the Bureau of Meteorology predicts it will only become wetter 
in the future. But will this resource support an ambitious pipeline 
proposal? How would it operate, and who are the likely commercial 
partners? And can it be done in an environmentally and
economically sustainable way?

0505 -
	PACIFIC BEAT: second edition - focuses in on the island nations which
depend on the Pacific Ocean for their existence, drawing on Australian
based reporters and correspondents throughout the region.

0610 -
	Mon.: HIT MIX* - the Australian music scene.
	Tue.: MUSIC DELI - folk, traditional, acoustic music and world music 
with Paul Petran.  This week: Two performances - from the Queenscliff 
Music Festival of last year
Telek and Band; followed by a recording we made a few weeks ago at 
Bennetts Lane with Zulya Kamalova and her new band - "Children of the 
Underground". [T;%]
	Wed.: JAZZ NOTES - with Ivan Lloyd.
	Thu.: OZ COUNTRY STYLE - from ABC Local Radio.
	Fri.: INSIDE OUT - A weekly programme that brings out personal views
from the Pacific region and stories gathered in Australia, within
Pacific communities. [%]
0645 -
	TALKING POINT - interviews. <abc.net.au/rn/talks/brkfast/default.htm>
for details.

0705 -
	PACIFIC BEAT: second edition (refer to 0505)

0805 -
	PM - a comprehensive daily current affairs program.

0905 -
	AUSTRALIA TALKS BACK - a daily national talkback program hosted by
Sandy McCutcheon. [abc.net.au/rn/talks/austback/] for details. [%]
		Mon.: "Community Attitudes To Paedophiles". Few crimes fan the flames 
of community outrage more than paedophilia. We all revile child 
pornography and sexual abuse. But how do we deal with convicted 
paedophiles once they're out of jail? Are we over-reacting to the 
threat of paedophilia? Or is there good reason to be fearful?

1005 -
	ASIA PACIFIC (refer to 2305)
1030 -
	"REPORT" programs (refer to 0130)

1105 -
	ASIA PACIFIC (refer to 2305)
1130 -
	Mon.: INNOVATIONS - a showcase of Australian design, discoveries, 
engineering and research skills with Desley Blanch. This week: "The 
Nature of Innovation". The laboratory that you can hold in one hand; 
what do six hats and creativity have in common?  Find out as we 
continue our series; and a new Australian rocket engine gets a test 
drive. [T;%]
	Wed.: RURAL REPORTER - the people and places that make up country
	Fri.: THE CHAT ROOM* - presented by Heather Jarvis. The place to meet
people from the region living lives a little out of the ordinary.

1205 -
	Mon.-Thu.: LATE NIGHT LIVE - talk radio with a difference, from 
razor-sharp analysis of current events to the hottest debates in 
politics, science, philosophy  and culture. [abc.net.au/rn/talks/lnl/] 
for details.
		Mon.: Phillip Adams talks to Fred Halliday, one of the world's 
leading scholars on international affairs and the Middle East in 
particular. Also, Beatrix Campbell's commentary on Britain.
		Tue.: Migrant workers flee ahead of Malaysia's purge.
		Wed.: The Case for Democracy - Bush's favourite book
		Thu.: Rwanda 1994--Romeo Dallaire's recurring nightmare. 	Fri.: SOUND 
QUALITY - an hour of music that grabs the mould and gives
it a good shake. [abc.net.au/rn/music/soundqlt/] for details. [T;%]

1305 -
	THE PLANET - jazz, blues, folk styles, art music and more in a show 
artfully                      arranged for radio. [T;%]
		Mon.: Chicago recently had the good sense to rename part of its 75th 
Street. Von Freeman Way honours one of the all-time great tenor 
saxophonists. Von is also a remarkable person. He’s always gone his own 
way, but consistently gone out of his way to help young musicians. Had 
Chicago’s hometown sax hero been willing to move to New York his genius 
would have been recognized more widely, much earlier. At 82 his powers 
- mental & physical – are undimmed. “The Great Divide” is his superb 
new quartet album. Variously “tough” & “tender”, fleet & s-l-o-w, it’s 
all tasty.
		Tue.: “Ochre” is a beautifully mysterious set of elaborations upon 
traditional songs. Multi-instrumentalist Andrew Cronshaw primarily 
plays zither, with a variety of other players {from Syria through to 
Australia} & instruments {from Arabic lutes & plucked zithers through 
to bass clarinets, Chinese reeds & the Pontic lyra}. Natacha Atlas 
sings two cuts on an otherwise instrumental CD. Peter Culshaw of ‘The 
Observer’ calls it “splendidly unclassifiable”. Colin Irwin in 'fRoots' 
remarked that “it comes as a shock to realise that the music being 
played is actually English.”
		Wed.:  “Joyosa” is the name of an album by a pan-European group: 
trumpeter Markus Stockhausen (yes, he is the son of the famous composer 
Karlheinz Stockhausen), Hungarian guitarist Ferenc Snetberger, 
Norwegian Bassist Arild Andersen and French drummer Patrice Heral. All 
four musicians are open minded players who break through musical 
boundaries in their playing and composing, creating a sunny, spacious 
and inventive folk music of the future in the process.
		Thu.: "If there’s a story so far this year in Canada, it’s Joel 
Kroeker”, remarked ‘The Calgary Sun’ in 2004. Just released outside 
Canada, Joel Kroeker’s “Melodrama” will likely excite listeners in many 
other parts of the world in 2005. He’s a distinctive singer/guitarist & 
tender/tough, passionate/wry intelligent/earthy songsmith. Joel also 
keeps good company: other players on his CD include guitarist Kevin 
Breit & bassist George Koller. Of his approach to life, to music & his 
album’s title, Joel says, “Peace always means a storm is coming and 
vice versa”. A stand-out song is “Naked Beauty”, which he says is 
“about staying open even in the heat of battle.”
		Fri.: “Bembeya Jazz” are the first of the great West African bands 
who used elecric guitars and basses to express the new found euphoria 
of independence. Based in Guinea and urged on by President Sekou 
Toure’s radical policies, they made a dance music that expressed 
national pride. “The Syliphone Years” is a double CD re-issue of now 
rare vinyl LP and 45rpm records they made in the 1960s and 1970s, 
researched and produced by Australia’s own Graeme Counsel of ‘Radio 
1405 -
1410 -
	PM (refer to 0805 Mon.)

1505 -
	ASIA PACIFIC (refer to 2305)

1530 -
	Mon.: HEALTH REPORT (refer to 0130)
	Tue.: LAW REPORT (refer to 0130)
	Wed.: RELIGION REPORT (refer to 0130)
	Thu.: MEDIA REPORT (refer to 0130)
	Fri. SPORTS FACTOR (refer to 0130)

1605 -
	MARGARET THROSBY INTERVIEW - Margaret Throsby converses with a
special guest, playing their favourite music as they tell their own 
stories. [abc.net.au/classic/throsby/#promo] for details. (from ABC 
Classic FM) [%]
		Mon.: Akram Khan, Choreographer.
		Tue.: Dr. Leslie Cannold, Researcher with the Centre for Applied 
Philosophy and Public Affairs at the University of Melbourne.
		Wed.-Fri.: tba

1705 -
	AUSTRALIA TALKS BACK (refer to 0905)

1805 -
	Mon.-Thu.: PACIFIC BEAT: First Edition - focuses in on the island
nations which depend on the Pacific Ocean for their existence, drawing
on Australian based reporters and correspondents throughout the region.
	Fri.: PACIFIC REVIEW - highlights from the past week's PACIFIC BEAT.
1830 -
	Fri.: COUNTRY BREAKFAST - in-depth coverage of social, economic and
political events and issues affecting people beyond the urban fringe
with Shane Mahony. [abc.net.au/rn/countryb/] for details. [T;%]

1905 -
	Fri.: RURAL REPORTER - the people and places that make up country
1930 -
	Fri.: OZ COUNTRY STYLE (refer to 0620 Fri,)

2005 -
	Fri.: PACIFIC REVIEW (refer to 1805 Fri.)
2030 -
	Fri.: MEDIA REPORT (refer to 0130 Thu.)

2110 -
	Mon.-Thu.: AM - ABC Radio's morning news magazine. [%; T]
	Fri.: VERBATIM - oral histories. This week: "Cosmic Conversations". 
Last year Maggie Iaquinto found she was a character in an opera called 
'Cosmonaut'. It told the story of Soviet citizen Sergei Krikalev, who 
was orbiting the earth in MIR when his country fell apart. [%]
2130 -
	Mon.-Thu.: DATELINE PACIFIC - Pacific news and current affairs from
Radio New Zealand International.
	Fri.: TALKING POINT (refer to 2240)
2145 -
	Fri.: THE PULSE - Australian and Pacific music.

2210 -
	Mon.-Thu.: AM (refer to 2110)
	Fri.: ASIA PACIFIC* - regional current affairs.
2230 -
	Fri.: SATURDAY AM (refer to 2110 Mon.-Thu.)
2240 -
	Mon.-Thu.: TALKING POINT - interviews.
2255 -
	Mon.-Thu.: PERSPECTIVE - expert commentary.

2305 -
	Mon-Thu.: ASIA PACIFIC* - interviews and reports from the region. [T;%]
	Fri.: COUNTRY BREAKFAST (refer to 1830)
2330 -
	Mon.: THE EUROPEANS - political, cultural, economic and social 
developments across eastern and western Europe with Keri Philips. This 
week: "Skye Scoot". A creative campaign of civil disobedience has 
finally paid off for people living on the Isle of Skye, off the coast 
of western Scotland. The privately owned Skye Bridge joining the island 
to the mainland will be bought back into public hands. [T;%]
	Tue.: RURAL REPORTER - the people and places that make up country
	Thu.: ALL IN THE MIND with Natasha Mitchell -  This week: "Leaving 
You--A Cultural History of Suicide". In 1938 historian Lisa Lieberman’s 
grandfather killed himself. She joins Natasha Mitchell to argue that 
modern medicine has stripped suicide bare of meaning and reason, and 
diminished individual responsibility for the decision to die. [T;%]
	Fri.: HIT MIX* - the Australian music scene.
How to Listen to Radio Australia----
Via shortwave:
Best as noted in eastern North America -
2200 - 0000 UTC:  21740 [on occasion]
0200 - 0900 UTC:  15515 [not well heard lately]
0800 - 1400 UTC:   9580 [6020, 9590 also noted at times]
1400 - 1600 UTC:   9590 [until fade out; 9475, 11680 also noted at
(Reception in western North America is much more reliable. European
listeners are invited to report reception experience to this editor.)
(Complete worldwide schedule from

Via Internet audio streaming:
from http://www.abc.net.au/ra/tuning/web.htm
Note:  There will be no audio streaming through February 7th due to
rights issues with broadcast of cricket matches. However, the audio
stream will be available this week between 1300 UT Tuesday and 1300 UT

Via World Radio Network:
Via CBC Overnight:
Via satellite:
consult <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/america.htm>
Via the Mobile Broadcast Network, which offers WRN

Symbols Used:
Within brackets by each program listing, % denotes that the listed
program is available as an on-demand audio file via the Internet. T
indicates that a printed transcript of the program is available via the
RA or via an ABC domestic network Internet site. Consult
<http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/audiovideo.htm> or the particular
program's web page.

An update will be posted by 0600 UT Fri.

Good Listening!
John Figliozzi

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