[Swprograms] Int'l Radio Report 2004-12-05
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[Swprograms] Int'l Radio Report 2004-12-05

Hello all,
The International Radio Report has been uploaded onto our archive site.
Regards and happy listening,

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=====[ IN THIS WEEK'S PROGRAM ]=====

- CIDX/Radio in Montreal dinner was held on Thursday

Steve found some interesting stations while driving back from the U.S.
- WD2XXM 1670 kHz, run by Ibiquity, the folks behind IBOM
> Originating from Frederick, Md.
- Also CHSL 1610 in Toronto
- In Buffalo, 1700 kHz Solid Rock Radio (presumed pirate)

- KOA was found broadcasting on 25.950
> Using 75 watts, wide opening on 11 metres

- D-layer is very weak, allowing better propagation

- It's prime time for E-skip in the southern hemisphere
> There is spillover into the northern hemisphere

- U.S. Blackhawk helicopter hit guy wires of transmission tower near Waco, Tex.
> Tower lights went out after a storm
> 7 servicemen killed

- Cell phones will soon have built-in satellite radio

- Caribbean, South American stations beginning to appear on medium wave

- CBC Christmas Sing-in on Dec. 5 at 3 p.m.
> Church of St. Andrew and St. Paul in Montreal
> Will be recorded for broadcast on CBC Radio, Radio-Canada and RCI
> http://montreal.cbc.ca/sing-in/

- Paul Reid Christmas SPecial on CJAD
> Dec. 5 from 7 to 10 p.m., with many repeats
> http://www.cjad.com/content/content_publish/program_details.asp?filename=program_id_846.html

- Someone has compiled the 10 most popular Christmas songs used on radio stations

- WHYY reporter quits job after she left angry voice-mail at the offices of conservative Web site
> WHYY is the major NPR public radio station in Philly

- Top 10 tricky moments of 2004 from Corey Deitz
> No. 1: Regular guest on Howard Stern show bragged about evading taxes
> Was promptly caged by Internal Revenue Service

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