Re: [Swprograms] Tonight's Ideas Program on CBC-1
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Re: [Swprograms] Tonight's Ideas Program on CBC-1

Also airs on RCI-3 at 0600 UT if you miss the CBC airings.

Check "Listen in Other Languages" on the website (I think...)

RIchard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

---- Original message ----
>Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 21:13:10 -0500
>From: Joe Buch <joseph.buch@xxxxxxx>  
>Subject: [Swprograms] Tonight's Ideas Program on CBC-1  
>To: swprograms@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>The Ideas show tonight was especially interesting.  The 
author of a book published by Crown explained his theory of 
why you can often sense that somebody is staring at you.  Has 
to do with so far unexplained fields from and into the 
brain.  If the theory works, and the author seems to think it 
does after some scientific experiments he describes in some 
detail, it could form the foundation of a theory supporting 
the ability to teleport.
>You can still hear the program at 9 PM local time on 
stations to the west.  I listened to it from CBC Halifax.  If 
you miss it, they have CD's for sale at 416-205-7376.
>Beam me up Scotty.
>Joe Buch
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