Re: [Swprograms] RCI Reception Problems
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Re: [Swprograms] RCI Reception Problems

Yes, me too.  

Unfortunately, this has been a longstanding problem
with RCI later evening broadcasts at my location
(upstate NY).  The signal apparently just flies over
me.  I have the same problem with the R. Sweden
relay on 6010 (which also suffers from its proximity
to RHC on 6000, whose somewhat sloppy signal
splatters all the way up there.)

I don't have a specific name to write to at RCI. 
Maybe someone else here does.  In the meantime, a
note to their engineering dept. can't hurt, I suppose.

John Figliozzi

----- Original Message -----
From: Sandy Finlayson <SFinlayson@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 10:53 am
Subject: [Swprograms] RCI Reception Problems

> Greetings:
> I would be interested in knowing whether or not
other people are 
> having trouble hearing RCI's English evening
shortwave broadcast 
> directed to the Americas.  The 0100-0300 broadcast
has been very 
> hard to hear.  The 6190 frequency is the best of
the three but 
> most evenings there has been significant fade and
> Most nights the 9755 and 9180 frequencies are
completely inaudible.
> This is a major disappointment for me since I had
previously been 
> able to pick up RCI very well before they dropped
the earlier 
> broadcast and changed frequencies for the winter
> For those of you in the know is there a good way
for my to 
> communicate this to the people at RCI and also, is
there a chance 
> they might be able to switch frequencies so that
they can actually 
> be heard?!
> Cheers
> Sandy
> ---------
> Mr. Sandy Finlayson
> Philadelphia, PA
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