Re: [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 4-166; WOR Extra 51/1251
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Re: [Swprograms] DX Listening Digest 4-166; WOR Extra 51/1251

Quoting from DXLD:

"** BELGIUM. Radio World Script October 31


"The Flemish media minister Geert Bourgeois wants listeners and
viewers to help to decide the future of the Flemish public
broadcaster VRT. Mr Bourgeois is preparing an evaluation of the
Flemish public broadcaster. He says that the six million Flemish
people are the VRT`s shareholders and wants them to have their say.
Mr Bourgeois does not simply intend to collect complaints, but
organise a debate in society at large. The results will guide the
Flemish government in its talks with the VRT on its future. Next year
the Flemish media minister starts to negotiate a new management
contract with the VRT. The contract sets out which services the VRT
should provide in return for public cash. The Flemish international
broadcaster RVi is a division of VRT.

So, if you feel inspired to help us, you could tell him what you
think of stopping shortwave, or any kind of radio in English, French
and German. This is his address:

Media minister Geert Bourgeois,
Alhambra building,
Emile Jacqmainlaan 20, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

The e-mail address is:
kabinet.bourgeois @ "

I don't hold much hope for RVi if this is the referendum to be carried out.
One of the pitfalls of international broadcasting is that it is undervalued
by country residents -- why should they pay for something they don't receive
a direct benefit from?

I would hope that Mr. Bourgeois would entertain well-crafted, thoughtful
submissions from folks like us that indicate that a plebiscite is the wrong
way to decide international broadcasting's merit.

How does a government figure out the budget for its State Department (or its
equivalent)?  What are the merits of having a State Department?  It would
seem to me that this is the better question.

Richard Cuff / Allentown, PA  USA

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