Re: [Swprograms] CCTV International CCTV-9
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Re: [Swprograms] CCTV International CCTV-9

>  atlsvo@xxxxxxxxx (maryanne kehoe) wrote
> This is a great discussion! I would like balanced and fair reportage of
> the news. I think that is only fair that we require that of a company
> that wants to do business in this country----and not to feed us a load
> of crap.
> We have a difference of opinion here----but it is good to hear the
> opposing viewpoint(s).
> Something I am sure CCTV won't give us!

I am against jamming or censorship but as an Amnesty International supporter
I can assure Joe Buch that Maryanne is not fighting a private was against
the Chinese, their human rights record and treatment of ethnic minorities
and dissidents is unacceptable and shows little sign of improvement. Western
governments have a long history of being inconsistent when dealing with
one party states who use torture to supress free speech and preserve their

As to balanced and fair reportage didn't the US used to have a "fairness
doctrine"? If a company is putting on a channel that is basically one sided
propaganda should they not be pressured into offering their facilities to
Chinese dissident and human rights group to put the other side of the

Access to the media depends too much on money, it should be equally open to


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