[Swprograms] RA Previews #696; 11-14 Jun '04
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[Swprograms] RA Previews #696; 11-14 Jun '04

Edition 696
June 11-14, 2004

Days and times are in UTC. An * indicates that a program is produced by Radio Australia. All others are produced by Radio National or by other ABC Radio networks as indicated. Further information about these programs, as well as transcripts and on-demand audio files of particular programs, and a wealth of supporting information can be obtained from
<http://www.abc.net.au>. Additional information and a key to abbreviations and symbols used appear at the bottom of the page.


GRANDSTAND [abc.net.au/grandstand/].
Radio Australia also relays the domestic weekend live sport program "Grandstand" every Saturday and Sunday from 0210-0800 on 17750, 15240*, 12080 and 9660 kHz. only. (*best frequency for North America-ed.) Major Australian, Asian, Pacific and international events are covered, some live and extensively. This week on Saturday: AFL Round 12: Western Bulldogs v St Kilda at the MCG. This week on Sunday: NRL rugby - Parramatta Eels v Manly Sea Eagles at Parramatta Stadium; Wests Tigers v New Zealand Warriors at Jade Stadium Christchurch; and from 0600 UT - The Rugby International Australia v Scotland from Docklands in Melbourne.

(RA or ABC News every hour on the hour)


1605 -
MARGARET THROSBY - in conversation with a special guest, playing their favourite music and telling their own stories. [abc.net.au/classic/throsby/#promo] for details. (from ABC Classic FM) [%]
Today: Dr. Elsina (Ellie) Wainwright, Program Director for the Strategy and International Program at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute.

1705 -
AUSTRALIA TALKS BACK - a daily national talkback program with Sandy McCutcheon. [%]
Today: "Week in Review", the four topics--Should we ban high speed police car chases? What is Ronald Reagan’s legacy? Is the government’s 12 billion dollar road plan just an exercise in pork barrelling? And how healthy is the Australia-US alliance?

1805 -
	PACIFIC REVIEW - the week that was in the Pacific with Bruce Hill.
1830 -
	COUNTRY BREAKFAST - Australia beyond the urban fringe. [T;%]

1905 -
	RURAL REPORTER - the people and places that make up country Australia.
1930 -
	AUSTRALIAN COUNTRY STYLE - Aussie country music with John Nutting.

2005 -
PACIFIC REVIEW - the week that was in the Pacific with Bruce Hill.
2030 -
THE BUZZ - technology understandably explained. This week: "Open Wide, Please”. Does a trip to the dentist fill you with drill dread? Lasers may replace the dental drill, but they can heat the tooth and cook your nerve. New research has found that incredibly short pulses of a sapphire laser may solve the problem. [%]

2105 -
VERBATIM - oral histories with David Mark. This week: "The Evangelist". Alwyn Jensen says the Lord called him to work among the Aborigines in Gippsland. He changed scores of lives. A rare look into the heart and mind of an evangelist. [T;%]
2130 -
IN CONVERSATION - Robyn Williams talks to scientists and those interested in the subject, about what science has meant to their lives. This week: "Science in Victorian Schools". There are classrooms in Victoria where science is supreme. A primary teacher and her high school colleague give the secrets of their success to an educational expert from Deakin University. What will they be teaching in 2010? [%]

2205 -
2230 -
	SATURDAY AM - ABC's Saturday morning news magazine. [T;%]

2305 -
COUNTRY BREAKFAST (refer to 1830)
2330 -
HIT MIX* - presented by Brendon Telfer. Find out what we're listening to in Australia and what we're giving to the world in our brand new look at the Australian music scene. [T;%]



0005 PACIFIC REVIEW* (refer to Fri. 1805)
0030 OCKHAM'S RAZOR - sharp talk about science. This week: "Reflections on Regulations". Dr Nancy Millis, Professor of Microbiology at the University of Melbourne and Chancellor of La Trobe University, vents her frustration about excessive bureaucracy in institutions. [%]
0045 LINGUA FRANCA - about language. This week: "French in the New Europe". When the European Union was formed, it had six countries, and three of them were French-speaking. Now, the EU is made up of twenty-five countries, and still only three of them are French-speaking. France is worried about the diminishing importance of its language in the new Europe. With the ever-increasing use of English as the lingua franca of Europe, the French Government has put in place a range of strategies to try to turn this around. Abraham Bengio, from the Delegation for the French Language, discusses the linguistic battle he's waging to reinstate French as a major European language. [%]

0105 ASIA PACIFIC WEEKEND EDITION* (refer to Fri. 2205)
0130 THE CHAT ROOM* - presented by Heather Jarvis. The place to meet people from the region living lives a little out of the ordinary--from business, to sport, science and the arts. Community leaders and quiet achievers. They drop in, share their stories and play a bit of music.

0205 BACKGROUND BRIEFING - Radio National's agenda-setting, current affairs radio documentary program. This week: "Too Much Choice?" As consumers now know, competition doesn't always deliver the cheapest or the best. Now the big end of town is saying the same thing. Too much choice can be confusing and costly, and informed choice is impossible. Stephen Long reports. [T;%]
0255 REPORTER'S NOTEBOOK* - background to the news.

0305    RURAL REPORTER* (refer to 1905 Fri.)
0330    AUSTRALIAN COUNTRY STYLE (refer to 1930 Fri.)

0405 BOOKS AND WRITING - in-depth discussions focusing on books, ideas and writing with Ramona Koval. This week: English writer and comedian Alexei Sayle wrestles with Ramona Koval for control of one of the most entertaining sessions of this year's Sydney Writers' Festival. Ostensibly invited to talk about his debut novel 'Overtaken', Alexei Sayle finds the task of sitting still and having a serious philosophical conversation difficult, especially when faced with a large venue and an 800-strong audience. But in between prat-falls, we glimpse another side to the Liverpool funny man ... we discover a very considered and capable author. [T;%]
0434 BOOK TALK - a mix of reviews, critical discussion and a look at the latest developments in publishing with Amanda Smith. This week: "Home". Julie Myerson has come up with a brilliantly simple idea for a book - to find out about everyone who has ever lived in her South London house, built in 1872. She managed to track down all the former residents, or their descendants, to write the colourful life-story of her house. [%]

0505 AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS - a magazine about life in Australia, with Roger Broadbent. This week: So far the 'Australian Express' has not been accused of talking rot, but this weekend the rot sets in as we discover that Compact Discs may not be as long
lasting as we were led to believe. We ask are Australians beginning to suffer from 'compassion fatigue'? Are we becoming less charitable in our old age? And yet another of Australia's icons is under threat-the cuddly Koala, which by the way is not a bear. We invite you to learn how to regenerate degraded koala habitats in rural areas which, it's hoped, will encourage a growth in numbers of these marsupials. Hop aboard the 'Australian Express'.
0532 ALL IN THE MIND - a weekly foray into the mental universe, the mind, brain and behaviour with Natasha Mitchell. This week: "Music and Intelligence". Does making music make you smarter? We hear of two recent studies and ask whether the connection between music and IQ is being kept alive to justify the value of teaching kids music. [%]

0605    VERBATIM (refer to 2105 Fri.)
0630    HIT MIX* (refer to 2332 Fri.)

0705    ASIA PACIFIC WEEKEND EDITION* (refer to Fri. 2205)
0730    THE BUZZ (refer to 2030 Fri.)

0805 PERSPECTIVE* - informed commentary.
0830 EARTHBEAT - environmental issues raised by economic development with Alexandra de Blas. This week: "Water, Water Everywhere". Australia’s water crisis is ironic when you consider how much water surrounds the continent. What if that salty water could be put to better use, along with the increasing saline output of our inland river systems? [T;%]

0905 THE SCIENCE SHOW - with Robyn Williams. This week: "A Short History of Venus". Why did the transit of Venus become so inspiring an event to so many? What was its actual role in the British exploration of our region and the ‘discovery’ of eastern Australia? What have we learned from it? [%]

1005    BACKGROUND BRIEFING (refer to 0205)

1105    ASIA PACIFIC Weekend Edition* (refer to 0105)
1130    ALL IN THE MIND (refer to 0532)  [T;%]

1205 THE MUSIC SHOW - a mix of music, interviews and information about the latest developments in music, hosted by composer Andrew Ford. [abc.net.au/rn/music/mshow/] for details. This week: Arlo Guthrie talks about his parents Woody and Marjorie, humour
and political protest, seeing both sides of the argument, and the song “Alice's Restaurant”; you'll also hear the complete version of “Alice's Restaurant”. [T;%]

1405    BACKGROUND BRIEFING (refer to 0205)

1505 DISTANT MIRRORS DIMLY LIT - a six-part radio series developed and presented by Australian born classicist Peter Toohey. It examines how the lives of the ancients relate to ours, through the exploration of six contemporary themes: Anger, Privacy, Leisure, Depression, Family and Memory. This week: "Leisure". Our pursuit of leisure has fuelled a multi-billion dollar industry. How did the Greeks and Romans understand leisure? Were eating and drinking, sport, or the theatre means for killing time, or did they have more profound significance for Greeks and Romans? It has become expected that all of us in time off will seek a leisure activity to soak up the spare hours. Travel tourism, sport, arts and gastronomy, are all part of the ever-growing sphere of homogenizing fun that has encircled the Western World. Our ability to invent a series of ingenious anodynes is impressive. But in the end the age-old question remains: why do we do it? Is it to make time’s passing more tolerable? [T;% (abc.net.au/rn/learning/lifelong/features/classics/)]
1532 AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS (refer to 0505)

1605 HINDSIGHT - social history with Jennifer Bowen. This week: "Love, Death, Music and Plants". A musical celebration of Baron Ferdinand von Mueller, the first director of Melbourne’s Royal Botanic Gardens and the founder of the National Herbarium of Victoria. [%]
1655 PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.

1705 THE SPIRIT OF THINGS - religion and spirituality. This week: "Fighting Faith". A former Jesuit priest, Oliver McTernan, and 'Buddhist Catholic' John D'Arcy May, urge us to face the violent trends in religion and not merely accept political or economic explanations. [T;%]
1755 THE PULSE - Australian new music.

1805 THE BEST OF LATE NIGHT LIVE - a reprise of interviews and analysis from the weekday programs of Philip Adams.

1905 EARTHBEAT (refer to 0830)
1934 THE MAKERS - the creative process as used by artists, musicians, directors and performers. [%]

2005 AUSTRALIA ALL OVER - a celebration of what makes Australians Australian with Ian "Macca" McNamara. [%]

2100    AUSTRALIA ALL OVER - continues from 2010.
2145    ABC NEWS
2150    ASIA SUNDAY - regional week in review.

2205 CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT - the ABC's overseas reporters give their interpretation and analysis of the week's major events, and offer perceptive observations about the countries and regions in which they're based. [T;%]
2230 MUSIC DELI - folk, traditional, acoustic and world music with Paul Petran. [T;%]
2255 PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.

2305 THE EUROPEANS - broader historical and cultural perspectives on European societies with Keri Phillips. This week: "Wild Dance--The Fight for Press Freedom in Ukraine". It will take more than a winning Eurovision song to liberate the media in the Ukraine. The brutal murder of journalist Gyorgy Gongadze three years ago is just one example of the daily dangers facing reporters in this former Soviet Republic. [%]
2330 INNOVATIONS* - Showcasing Australian invention, enterprise and ingenuity. [abc.net.au/ra/innovations/default.htm] for details. [T;%]


0005 KEYS TO MUSIC - Graham Abbott breaks down the barriers to enjoying classical music for non-musicians, revealing basic concepts, discussing composers and exploring pieces of music inside-out. (from ABC Classic FM.) [%]

0105    CORRESPONDENTS' REPORT (refer to 2205 Sat.)
0130    IN CONVERSATION (refer to 2130 Fri.)

0205 MARGARET THROSBY - in conversation with a special guest, playing their favourite music and telling their own stories. [www.abc.net.au/classic/throsby/#promo] for details. Today: Dr. George Michel, expert on Indian art and architecture. [%]

0305    AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS (refer to Sat. 0505)
0330    JAZZ NOTES* - with Ivan Lloyd.
0354    HEYWIRE* - the views of rural Australia's young people.

0405    THE EUROPEANS (refer to 2305 Sat.)
0430    THE CHAT ROOM* (refer to 0130 Sat.)

0505 ALL IN THE MIND (refer to 0532 Sat.)
0530 THE ARK - Rachael Kohn talks to some of the world's leading religious historians and authors about curious moments in religious history that shatter the usual perception of the past and illuminate the present. This week: "I Was a Teenage Catholic in Belfast".
Malachi O'Doherty reflects on the religious upbringing of Catholics and Protestants in Belfast during the 1950s. [T;%]
0550 THE PULSE* - Australian music now.

0605    THE BUZZ (refer to Fri. 2030) [%]
0630    IN CONVERSATION (refer to Fri. 2130)

0705    CORRESPONDENTS REPORT (refer to Fri. 2205)
0730    INNOVATIONS* (refer to Sat. 2330)

0805    PERSPECTIVE* - informed commentary.
0830    DISTANT MIRRORS, DIMLY LIT* (refer to Sat. 1505)

0905 THE NATIONAL INTEREST - Terry Lane looks at the major issues of the week. This week: "Modern Management Techniques". Lane casts a critical eye over modern management techniques with consultant Jenny Stewart, author of the new book ”The
Decline of the Tea Lady: Management for Dissidents”. [%]

1005    KEYS TO MUSIC (refer to 0005)

1105 SUNDAY PROFILE - - In-depth analysis of the major news in Australia and around the world with Geraldine Doogue. [abc.net.au/sundayprofile/] for details. [%]
1130 SPEAKING OUT - a program about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. This week: "Beyond Bridges & Sorry". The ANU's inaugural Reconciliation lecture by Aboriginal leader Pat Dodson. [%]

1205    THE SPIRIT OF THINGS (refer to Sat. 1705)
1255    THE PULSE - Australian new music.

1305 ENCOUNTER - the religious experience of multicultural Australia. This week: "Truth And Lies". Deception, said Nietzsche, is “part and parcel of the terrible and questionable character of existence”. When politicians lie and journalists fabricate the truth, how can we begin to understand deception and its impact on individual and public
trust? [T;%]
1355 PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary.

1405    THE SCIENCE SHOW (refer to Sat. 0905)

1505    THE NATIONAL INTEREST (refer to 0905)

1605    BOOKS AND WRITING (refer to Sat. 0405) [%]
1634    BOOK TALK  (refer to Sat. 0434) [%]

1705 SOUND QUALITY - an hour of music with Tim Ritchie that grabs the mould and gives it a good shake. [www.abc.net.au/rn/music/soundqlt/] for playlists and program
details. Tim writes, "Hey beautiful - are you busy? I hope not because this week's program displays more than the usual amount of beautiful music. There is quite possibly the most beautiful cut'n'paste'n'glitch'n'vocal album that I have ever heard - I'll regale you with three tracks, also three tracks from a very unusual [but beautiful] keyboard album.... as well there is sexy music, archival and modern reggae, and a local acoustic drum'n'bass piece that will astound you." [T;%]

1810 PACIFIC BEAT* - daily magazine covering the people, issues and events of the Pacific Islands with Myra Mortenson. [www.abc.net.au/ra/pacbeat/] for details. [T;%]
1830 SPORT
1835 AUSTRALIAN EXPRESS (refer to Sat. 0505)

1910 PACIFIC BEAT* (continues from 1810)
1930 SPORT
1935 THE BEST OF BUSH TELEGRAPH* - Myra Mortensen with a selection of stories and reports of rural and regional issues. [%]

2010    PACIFIC BEAT* (refer to 1810)
2030    SPORT*
2035    PACIFIC BEAT* (continues from 2010)

2110 AM - ABC Radio's morning news magazine. [%; T]
2130 RNZI PACIFIC DATELINE - news and current affairs from New Zealand, as part of the Pacific Radio Network.

2210    AM (refer to 2110)
2240    AUSTRALIA WIDE - a national news roundup from ABC Newsradio.
2254    PERSPECTIVE - informed commentary

2305    ASIA PACIFIC* - interviews and reports from the region. (T;%]
2330    VERBATIM (refer to 2105 Fri.)

0010 AWAYE! - Aboriginal arts, culture and politics with Ursula Raymond - This week: “Kev Carmody". Drover, historian, activist, youth worker--one of the Australia's finest singer- songwriters, Kev Carmody speaks with Rhoda Roberts about his life--from growing up with the cattle in southeast Queensland to his career as a musician.
0105 ASIA PACIFIC* (refer to 2305 Sun.)
0130 HEALTH REPORT - with Norman Swan. [abc.net.au/rn/talks/8.30/helthrpt/] for details. [T;%]
0210 THE WORLD TODAY - a comprehensive lunchtime current affairs program with Tanya Nolan. [T;%]
0310 SPORT*
0320 LIFE MATTERS - social change and day-to-day life in Australia. [%]

How to Listen to Radio Australia----
Via shortwave:
Best as noted in eastern North America -
2100 - 2200 UTC: 15515 (usually reliable)
2200 - 0000 UTC: 21740 (usually reliable)
0000 - 0200 UTC: 17715 (usually reliable)
0200 - 0700 UTC: 15515 (usually reliable) [15240 also noted at times]
0700 - 0800 UTC: 13630 (usually reliable) [15240 also noted at times]
0800 - 1400 UTC: 9580 (reliable) [6020 and 9590 also noted (reliable)]
1400 - 1600 UTC: 9590 (reliable until fade out)
(European listeners are invited to report reception experience to this editor.)
(Complete worldwide schedule from
Via Internet audio streaming:
from <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/audio/englishlive.htm>
Via World Radio Network:
Via CBC Overnight:
Via satellite:
consult <http://www.abc.net.au/ra/hear/america.htm>
Via the Mobile Broadcast Network, which offers WRN

Symbols Used:
Within brackets by each program listing, % denotes that the listed
program is available as an on-demand audio file via the Internet. T
indicates that a printed transcript of the program is available via the
RA or via an ABC domestic network Internet site. Consult
<http://www.abc.net.au/streaming/audiovideo.htm> or the particular
program's web page.

To be updated by Mon. 0500 UT.

Good Listening!
John Figliozzi

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