IRCA Index

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Last updated: Tue Feb 26 18:28:45 2019
111603 messages

  • Re: [IRCA] KGA 1510 app, (continued)
  • [IRCA] Radio Rebelde With Strong Signal in NW Oregon, Dan Riordan
  • [IRCA] HAPPY SUNDAY, TERRY KEN LEGAL PRACTITIONERS & ASSOCIATE HIGHBURRY MAGISTRATE COURT OF LONDON SUITE 51 HOLLOWAY ROAD LONDON N7 8JA. UNITED KINGDOM. Please arrange my email properly. I purposely did it in this way in other to get it across to you. Otherwise it may be block by my Internet Provider. I am Terry Ken the family attorney to late Jordan Kohi, a Singapore man working with Gas Company in Singapore but later transfer to United Kingdom branch otherwise known as my client who was based in the United Kingdom and died of complications from Esophageal Cancer in 2005. As the attorney to late Jordan Kohi, I was his confidant as he shared with me virtually everything about himself, his business and family. I was his attorney for 2 years and during that period; I wrote his WILL and was also named as the executor, which has since been fulfilled. I am also aware due to my closeness to him that the amount Nineteen Million Five Hundred Pounds ($19,500, 000) he deposited with Bank here in London was not willed out. He told me about this on his sick bed and even instructed that I should prepare a codicil to that effect, however before I could finish my work he died. After his death, funeral and subsequent execution of his will I went into action to ascertain the information passed unto me by my client. My investigation confirmed to the information; at that point I knew I Had to do something to move the funds out of the bank here in London and knowing that I cannot do this alone I have decided to contact you and seek your assistance and acceptance to be the next of kin to the Funds with the bank. Aside my humble self and you, the relationship manager (account officer) of my client knows about this, for he was very helpful during my discreet investigation, through him I was able to see the deposit paper work of the money which confirmed that there is no next of kin to the funds. It is necessary for us to move the money out of the bank on time because if we do not do this within the next Few Months the bank would regard the money as Forfeited funds, which would give them the right to forward the funds to the UK Government as instructed by the Financial Services Authority. I cannot move the money in my name because he is my client, for it could look suspicious, his account officer cannot do the same but he said he can help us without demanding for any fee because of his position in the bank, hence the importance of your assistance. Have my assurance that there is nothing to fear about, as I also need your assurance that you would work with me without fear or favor to achieve our desired objective. Upon receipt of a confirmation of acceptance from you a sharing ratio would be worked out between the two of us and communicated to you along with my email telephone number. In the light of above, your positive responses would be appreciated. Take care and have a nice day. Sincerely, Terry Ken, Terry Ken Associate
  • [IRCA] TPs for 09-23-07, vroomski
  • [IRCA] WDRF-1510, k4ape
  • [IRCA] Canadian Radio-locator?, Paul B. Walker, Jr.
  • Re: [IRCA] [NRC-AM] 940 WGRP PA and CINW Montreal, DXERak
  • [IRCA] NE Oregon, Sunday TPs, Steve Ratzlaff
  • [IRCA] Email Address for List, C B
  • Re: [IRCA] THE FCC and IBOC, Milspec390
  • [IRCA] books amgazines, k4ape
  • Re: [IRCA] $200 receivers with little blue LED lights, Milspec390
  • [IRCA] How things sound to me since 9/14, Lee Reynolds
  • Re: [IRCA] Cheater term and the FCC - reposting of comments, Patrick Martin
  • [IRCA] still can't keep a good TA down, Nick Hall-Patch
  • Re: [IRCA] IBOC has in QCI, Patrick Martin
  • [IRCA] New RNZI Radio Heritage Documentaries, Geralyn Hollerman
  • [IRCA] TPs for 09-24-07, vroomski

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