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[IRCA] DKAZ Construction Help Request

I would like to install a couple of reversible DKAZ's (DKAZi?) and am wondering what you all think about extending the two ends towards the middle using CAT5 and attaching them to a 4PDT relay. I would have a Patented Colin Newell Vactrol and a balun at that point and run these back to the house, also using CAT5.

I thought that bringing the end points back the 70 feet to the middle would keep the Vactrol within the 100 foot length limit recommended to maximize null depth, but am a little concerned about any interaction with the antenna because they would be running more or less in parallel.

I am also wondering what you would recommend for a broadband amplifier - it seems that the options are Wellbrook, Kiwa, and DX Engineering. I wanted to use CAT5 instead of coax to keep feedline costs down if at all possible, and it's likely that the feedline length will be on the order of 250 feet. With a length like that would it be better to have the amp at the antenna or is it OK to have it in the house? What configuration are others using to do this?

I really appreciate any help you could offer. This is my first antenna project in many years!

Kind regards,

Michael Yule
Upper LaHave, NS

Sent from my iPad
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