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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 28 February 2016

Another rather unusual morning here. Heard some TPs on my overnight recordings, which is a rare event here. I did get the few db more I was wishing for yesterday on 1377, and this morning was able to confirm it was RRI Toli Toli. Thanks to Nick for that one (and to Chuck for pointing us to the webstream).

594	JAPAN, Tokyo	JOAK
	Had been just a mumble earlier but came up quite suddenly
	around 1400 with time pips and man in Japanese.

693    JAPAN, Tokyo    JOAB
    	Fair, with English lesson at 1353, then totally faded out by
 	1357, before coming back to fair level at 1401.

747    JAPAN, Sapporo  JOIB
        Weak, with English lesson //774 noted at 1353.

774    JAPAN, Akita    JOUB
        Fair, with discussion of health issues during English lesson at

774	AUSTRALIA, Melbourne	3LO
	ABC news fanfare at 1100, and then into news by a woman

828    JAPAN, Osaka    JOBB
     	Reached weak audio by 1357, with English lesson //774 and

972    KOREA, S    HLCA
     	Presumed the one with traces of talk at 1354, and what sounded
	like news at 1403.

1116	AUSTRALIA, Brisbane	4BC
    	Weak, with news by a woman at 1002. 	

1377	INDONESIA, RRI Toli Toli
    	First noted weak music at 1353, and easily confirmed // with
	web stream as it strengthened.   Played several English
	language oldies after 1400, with the signal good enough for me
	to identify the songs.  Finally faded out around 1413.
	New country on MW for me.	

1593	unID
	Traces of man talking at 1357.

1656	unID
	Heard some weak music between 1357-1359.

1701.09	AUSTRALIA, Brisbane	R.Brisvaani
	Generally just audible, but would pop up to a good level for
	about 30 seconds at a time in the 1357 to 1405 time period,
	with South Asian vocals.

Strong carriers on 567, 1386, 1512, 1548. Interestingly, I couldn't even rate 1566 or 1575 as strong carriers.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR & Wellbrook Phased Array
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