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[IRCA] New March loggings (so far)

(6-foot tuned loop, 23-foot vertical, Quantum Phaser,

I'm horribly behind on posting North American loggings and recordings to my
blog, but I've managed a few new catches this month:

March 1st:
1590 KLIV, San Jose CA, weak at 1:47am MST (0847UT), 5000W, call (new;
phaser), 559 miles
Was phasing out roughly to the south and caught the call letters during a
break after Van Morrison's "Domino".  KLIV is a news/talk station, but
confirmed on their website that they play oldies at night.

1130 KRDU, Dinuba CA, weak at 3:32am MST (1032UT), 5000W, call (new;
phaser), 405 miles
A surprising two-fer night, for my 450th station!  Chuck Swindol religious
programming into an ad to join him on a religious cruise, then station call
before going into the next half-hour religious program.

I did an SDR recording for pre-sunrise TP, and given my successes before
going to bed, I decided to do a comprehensive recording check at the 6am
(13UT) TOH and picked up two more stations, just using the tuned loop.

960 KIXW, Apple Valley CA, very weak at 5:59am MST (1259UT), 5000d/20n, new
(call; loop), 271 miles
Could barely make out the legal ID, along with the phrase "high desert".
Hard to believe I was getting them at 20 watts ND, but highly unlikely to
have been at 5000-watt ND day power.  They do have a PSRA for 500 watts
starting at 6am, but it would have been 5am there.

1630 KKGM, Fort Worth TX, weak at 6:00am MST (1300UT), 10000W, call (new;
loop), 890 miles
This was a big surprise!  I was definitely not optimized for high-band, but
the legal ident popped right out just after TOH.  They would have been on
day power, so this can be chalked up to SRS

March 4th:
710 KSPN, Los Angeles CA, medium at 6:48pm MST (0148UT), 50000W, slogan and
ads (new; loop), 340 miles
Caught them in pretty good right before they presumably went to night
power/pattern at 7pm.  Heard "ESPN L-A 7-10" slogan several times and local
ads.  This is one I think I had before, but couldn't tease out enough
information to be sure.  Even with an unfavorable night pattern, this
probably makes it here somewhat often near sunset.

March 9th:
730 KNFL, Boise ID, weak at 6:45pm MST (0145UT), 15000d/500n, slogan and
city (new; phaser), 654 miles
Caught several mentions of "ESPN Boise", along with frequency and mention
of their FM translator.  If I tried harder, I could probably frequently get
this one near sunset.

840 KMPH, Modesto CA, weak at 7:00pm MST (0200UT), 5000W, call (new;
phaser), 510 miles
This is one that has been on my list for a while after catching it, but not
being able to confirm it.  Needed phaser to beat down splatter from 850-KOA
and the TOH call was still not very clear due to overlapping sounds from
the network and local.  Immaculate Heart Radio doing a network

Brian Rachford - Prescott, AZ
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