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[IRCA] Newfoundland Trans-Atlantic Medium Wave Logs Oct 2

Hello To All,

A few Trans-Atlantic Medium Wave Logs from tonight

675 khz - NETHERLANDS - Radio Maria, Lopik  23:10 UTC  10/2/14  man in Dutch Religious talk, mention of Radio Maria 

900 khz - SAUDI ARABIA - BSKSA Idha'atu-i Riyadh   23:00 UTC  10/2/14  news in Arabic, ment. Arabie // 1521 ...
954 khz - SPAIN - Onda Cero Radio , Madrid   23:45 UTC  10/2/14   two men in Spanish, discussion about Middle East

1089 khz - UNITED KINGDOM - Talksport Radio   22:40 UTC  10/2/14  Premiere League talk, ID , promos 

1170 khz - SLOVENIA - Radio Capodistria  Beli Kriz  22:45 UTC  10/2/14  Blues and Jazz music selections, Italian talk , ID 

Receiver:  ICOM R75 w/ 500 foot wire 

Allen Willie VOPC1AA
Carbonear, Newfoundland Canada 
47'44"15N 53'13"46W
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