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[IRCA] TP DX in Seattle on Sept 23

Today's TP DX was very similar to yesterday's. The low end of the dial was quite lively with Korean and Japanese signals. 981 was quite good but it was the only decent Chinese signal. The 711 carrier "almost" produced audio, as did a carrier on 792.

The upper half of the dial was downright anemic. HLAZ-1566 was weaker than normal, and other high-enders were either missing in action or barely detectable.

594    JOAK, conversation between man, woman and one or more children 1319
774    JOUB, 1319 English lesson about the American Revolution //747 etc
890 KBBI (presumed), "Democracy Now" program rising above CJDC 1301, no other Alaskans noted
972    HLCA, pop songs, Korean discussion 1318
981 CNR1 Chinese announcements rising well above the splatter at times 1304 &1321

567    JOIK, man in Japanese 1310
657    DPRK, strident woman 1303
693    JOAB, Chinese lesson 1335
747 JOIB, 1322 English lesson, talking about the America Revolution for the second day in a row
828     JOBB , English lesson //747 etc 1322
864    woman and man talking 1317, sounded Korean
873 DPRK, patriotic man in Korean 1312 valiantly struggling to be heard through KIXI's capitalistically oppressive splatter
1053    Korean jammer 1317
1566 HLAZ, struggled today, best at 1341 Japanese woman w/FEBC ID, mostly weak otherwise

621    bits of talk 1318, decent signal but too much KCIS-630 splash
819    traces of music and/or talk 1315 in KGNW splatter
945    bits of talk in KJR splash 1315
954    woman in what sounded Japanese 1318 but way too much splash
1242    talk sounded Japanese 1343
1323    bits of talk 1345
1332    bits of music 1346
1575    faint talk 1341
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