Re: [IRCA] QRN from Lights
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Re: [IRCA] QRN from Lights

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It would be QRN, not QRM.  Anyway, I have tried 2 LED lamps and they both wiped out FM completely and messed up AM.  The expensive Sylvania was worse than the WalMart Great Value.  CFL lamps bad, but not as bad.  CFL lamps....last longest burned base DOWN.  CFL lamps being instant start do VERY poorly with frequent switching. Same as HF based linear fluorescents as well as magnetic instant start.  Put them in an inclosed fixture and life will be substantially shorter.  I expect LED lamps in an inclosed fixture will also have a reduced life expectancy as in an inclosed fixture there is heat. Heck, I found incandescent lamps in an inclosed fixture had a reduced life.  

My bedside radios now have incandescent lamps close in to read by.  I just can't find a high enough lumen lamp for reading...... halogens get too hot. The ones that rate the same as 60 watts are not bright enough. 

Powell W4OPW  


> From: Tim Kridel <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>I just installed my first LED bulb, a Philips 100 W equivalent. So far, no noise. I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who's tried other brands, particularly Cree.
>I also have several 100 W equivalent halogens. Fortunately they're not producing any noise, either, but that could be because they plug into a standard lamp socket like a regular incandescent rather than using a power supply or transformer.
>I never had any noise with CFLs, but I quit using them because the light quality and lifespan both were crap, regardless of brand.

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