Re: [IRCA] TP from Michigan: More audio posted
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Re: [IRCA] TP from Michigan: More audio posted

Tim's 747 recording is at a very marginal level, and nobody is going to pick anything out of the recording unless he puts on very sensitive headphones, turns up the volume, and listens carefully for any possible syllable connections to form a word pattern. The problem in this MP3 is that no such pattern can be heard until very well into the recording, at 4:16 into the YouTube video. If your Japanese contact didn't do all of the above (use high sensitivity headphones, turn up the volume, and listen carefully throughout the entire length of the MP3, assuming that he has the patience to do so), he wouldn't have discovered anything. 

Nevertheless, if you can direct your Japanese friend's attention to the phrase  "ano... dookaku no" at 4:16 into the YouTube video, I'm pretty sure that he will confirm the language as Japanese. After consulting a Japanese dictionary for a precise translation, the phrase "ano..  dookaku no"  in Japanese means "well... the same amount of..." in English.

73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA)


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck <charlesh3@xxxxxxx>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:42 am
Subject: Re: [IRCA] TP from Michigan: More audio posted

I could not say this was Japanese so I passed it along to Japanese DXer 
Hiroo Nakagawa. His response:

"I listened to it carefully. But even I Japanese native speaker can’t 
judge the language. As I can’t pick up any word, I can’t say for sure 
that it is Japanese."


On 9/30/2013 7:31 PM, d1028gary@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> <<<   I appreciate the comments regarding my first reception of presumed Japan
> on 747 on Sunday morning.  I've posted a longer recording to Youtube,
> actually a recording of the SDR capture.  The video begins using a
> narrow filter and is then repeated using a wider filter.  Some faint
> talk can be heard.  Perhaps someone with more experienced ears than mine
> can take a guess at the language heard here (headphones recommended!):
>   >>>
> Thanks for posting the longer recording of your 747 kHz TP reception on 
> I've listened to the recording with headphones, as recommended. At 4:16 into 
the video the male speaker uses a phrase which pretty much indicates that the 
language is Japanese ("ano... dookaku no") which roughly translates as "no 
matter what..." in English. He is using more intonation than what is commonly 
used in the monotone-styled Japanese language, but this is possibly an attempt 
to make the speech more interesting for a radio listener. My own opinion is that 
the speech is Japanese, although other TP-DXers may have further comments 
(especially in how the program matches up to the NHK2 archives). BTW, I lived in 
Japan as a high school brat (1967-69).
> 73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tim Tromp <kilokat7@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: irca <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Mon, Sep 30, 2013 6:34 pm
> Subject: [IRCA] TP from Michigan: More audio posted
> I appreciate the comments regarding my first reception of presumed Japan
> on 747 on Sunday morning.  I've posted a longer recording to Youtube,
> actually a recording of the SDR capture.  The video begins using a
> narrow filter and is then repeated using a wider filter.  Some faint
> talk can be heard.  Perhaps someone with more experienced ears than mine
> can take a guess at the language heard here (headphones recommended!):
> 73,
> Tim Tromp
> West Michigan
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