Re: [IRCA] Yachats DXpedition Part 2
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Re: [IRCA] Yachats DXpedition Part 2

Hi Bruce,
Thanks for your very detailed report for the Yachats DXpedition.
Although I was only about 90 miles north of your location, the DU propagation seemed much different here-- probably related to some tweaking by the ocean side cliff that I've been using. There hasn't been a single Asian station heard here all week, despite multiple efforts to track them down. The Kiwi 'big guns" (531-PI, 567-RNZ, 603-Waatea, 657-Southern Star, 675-RNZ and 765-Kahungunu, 2.5 kW no less) have been pounding in here every morning, all week long. The Australians are sometimes strong and sometimes weak, depending on propagation. 738-Tahiti usually booms in early (1200-1230), then also fades early, like you said.
The Pacific islands haven't produced much, except for 1017-Tonga's sign off at 1203 yesterday. There is some weak audio on 666, possibly Noumea, is trying to break through the domestic splatter but it can't seal the deal. 729 is pretty hopeless here for Noumea due to 730 splatter (and the low-tech Tecsun's modest filtering). Mauno told me yesterday that 558-Fiji is history, so that pretty much explains why I haven't been able to track it down.
73, Gary
The 2.5 kW Kiwi "big gun" Radio Kahungunu from this morning, pounding in as usual

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Portzer <bportzer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Fri, Jul 26, 2013 1:04 pm
Subject: [IRCA] Yachats DXpedition Part 2

I meant to get this report out sooner, but other activities kept 
cropping up.

Wednesday and Thursday mornings were a bit different from Monday and 
Tuesday.  We had very few Asian signals the first two mornings, but 
conditions shifted northward the next two days, with stronger and more 
signals from the Far East.

Wednesday was still mostly DU's, but with several  Asians sneaking in.  
774, for example, had been all 3LO Mon-Tue but by Wed was a battle 
between 3LO and JOUB.  Other mostly-weak Asian signals included 
828(fair) 954 1008 1053(CBC ID 1229) 1071 1089 1079 1134 1206 1242 
1287(good with HBC ID 1151) 1314 1332 1386 1440 1602 1566(good at 
times).  Except for 1206 and 1566, all were Japanese.

DUs, meanwhile, were still abundant, but mostly weak.  A partial 
listing: 774 819(good) 828 891 909 963 1008 1035 1044 1071 1116 
1161(//828, 7FG?) 1215 1269 1332(NZ+unid Aus) 1386 1431(//828) 1476 1503 
1512 1548(loud at sunrise) 1602(NZ?) and probably a few others.  Several 
X-banders were also heard, including a Hot Country ID on 1629 at 1158 
and Greek talk on 1683.  Hawaiians were plentiful, including a few rare 
ones like KHNR-690 KZOO-1210 and KREA-1540.   KUAU-1570 was amazingly 
strong at times with fundamentalist Christian programs, and might now be 
the best Hawaiian target for midwest DXers who can get past XERF.

Thursday morning was almost all Asia until just before sunrise.  I said 
"almost" because there were a couple of DUs (1035 1116 and maybe others) 
that produced their best signals of the week.  A few interesting DUs 
faded up out of nowhere at about 1235 and stayed around until just past 
1300: 684, 963//981, 1044, 1458 NZ, 1476 NZ, 1503(oldies across ToH 
1300, 2BS?), 1539(probably the TAB Station), 1566(probably 3NE), and 
1584(rock mx).

Asians heard on Thursday included a few Chinese on 1206 1323 1593, as 
well as the Japanese listed earlier.

Tonga-1017 was in all four days until signoff, which as Gary noted was 
at 1206 on Thursday.  Tahiti 738 was the first to fade in every day, and 
one of the last to fade out (still  doing OK with nx in FF 1300).

I have  lots of SDR recordings to go through in the days to come. I've 
already added New Caledonia 729 to the list of Tuesday logs, and I'm 
about 51% sure I heard the parallel on 666.


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