[IRCA] TP's & DU's for Thursday, November 22, 2012
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[IRCA] TP's & DU's for Thursday, November 22, 2012

Only three MW stations heard this morning on foreign DX receptions. Last year on this date no foreign stations were heard. No Japanese stations near audio this morning. Listened on and off from 1358-1515 utc.    

738  TAHITI, Papeete, Radio Polynesie 1440-1441 assuming the station with weak talk and heavy splatter. W-SW ewe. 11/22/2012

1566   REPUBLIC OF KOREA, Cheju, HLAZ FEBC  1503-1505 brief weak audio with man talking in Chinese. W-SW ewe. 11/22/2012

1575   THAILAND, Ban Phachi, VOA 1358-1402 weak signal with woman/man  in Asian language. No ID at 1400. Fair signal  at 1402.W-SW ewe. 11/22/2012

Best regards,
Kalama, WA
NW + W-SW ewes
High Performance Active Whip
Solar Indices SF 140 A 7 K 0 1200 utc
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