[IRCA] Ferrite Sleeve Loop Antennas- A Beginner's Guide
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[IRCA] Ferrite Sleeve Loop Antennas- A Beginner's Guide

Hello All,

For those who have interest in the latest developments in FSL antenna experimentation and operation, a detailed 8-page article has been uploaded at http://www.mediafire.com/view/?jsq4cchr8tahyoc , and will shortly be uploaded to the Ultralightdx and DXer.Ca file sites.

Included is a detailed operating guide for using the new FSL antennas, answering all the questions about how to obtain the best DXing performance from the High-Q tuning system. Also included is a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the FSL antennas relative to larger air core loops, and the latest information on the new Broadband FSL antenna developed by Chuck and Guy for Perseus-SDR users (which has already proven highly successful on the Oregon cliffs during recent DXpeditions).

After using the new antennas for four major ocean coast DXpeditions and two Fall DX seasons, I've probably seen every little quirk that the new FSL's have to puzzle a DXer.. so if you are considering building one of these new antennas (or have one already), you can probably save some serious time and hassle by learning from my mistakes!

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

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