[IRCA] TP's for Friday 09/30/11
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[IRCA] TP's for Friday 09/30/11

Conditions really dropped this morning.  No Russian long-waves this morning.  Nice going
Bill on hearing 279 this morning.  Strongest signal was 2BL with a fair signal briefly, then back
in the splatter.  Will be interesting to read what fellows Dxers heard this morning.

684          UNKNOWN, 1345-1500 very weak signal with singing. Unknown language.
               Best on SW ewe.
702         AUSTRALIA, 2BL 1405 Fair briefly with man reading news.  Back weak with splatter. 
774          JAPAN, JOUB 1323-1327 weak with woman in Japanese and battered in splatter.
891          THAILAND? 1336-1340  woman singing is Asian language.  Weak signal. 

Best regards,

Kalama, WA
SW ewe + High Performance Active Whip
190' long wire NW/SE + 753' Sky Loop
Solar Indices SF 137 A 25 K 1
Local Sunrise 1408 utc Sunset 0154 utc
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