Re: [IRCA] OT: downloading emails
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Re: [IRCA] OT: downloading emails

At 02:55 10/13/2009, you wrote:
>I'm hoping someone with a lot of computer savvy can help me with what seems
>to be a simple problem.  I'll be travelling soon for a few weeks and was
>hoping to be able to download my email to be read off line.  My service
>provider is which when I'm at home nicely downloads to my Eudora.
>When traveling, the expectation is that you'll sign-on to their email server
>and read it there.  Trouble is, this takes time and can be very pricey when
>overseas.  When I spoke with their tech people, they say sorry, but it's not

Hmmm, if you have your copy of Eudora on the machine you're presently using, you should be able to download your e-mail directly to it no matter which ISP you're presently using.  Certainly, I've done if for years from various locations using different hardware connections to the web as well as, of course, multiple ISPs.  Have you tried running Eudora and doing that, exactly as if you're at home?   I've never had to change Eudora's settings to do it, but depending on what Shaw expects, you may need to, but at least it IS possible.

The only drawback is that you can't send mail from Eudora under those circumstances, but you can use the web mail for that.


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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