Re: [IRCA] Grayland: The Second Morning.
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Re: [IRCA] Grayland: The Second Morning.


Hello John,
Very sorry to hear that the mediocre conditions are  dragging on for a 
second day at Grayland, but I'm glad that 531-2PM and  549-2CR showed up for you.
Regarding the 531 Australia stations commonly mixing at  Grayland during 
the DU season, Leigh Donaldson of Brisbane (a member of  the Ultralightdx 
Yahoo group) gave me an incredibly detailed assessment of  my 531 UnID Aussie 
MP3, recorded on 7-26 with the 8' passive loop. He  mentions all three of the 
usual stations (including 531-2PM), and their  current formats. I thought 
you might be interested, so I've pasted his  comments below.
For the testing of the Kchibo D96L's 1 kHz selectivity  against that of the 
Murata CFJ455K5 filters in the Slider E100's and  Slider SWP's, by a 
fortunate stroke of luck my wife has agreed to a family  trip to the Grayland 
Motel for one night this coming weekend, from  8-8 to 8-9. Unfortunately our 
compact Toyota Corolla will be crammed with  family items-- meaning that my 
favorite DXing toys like the 8' tuned  passive loop and the 30" loopstick 
ICF-2010 spotting receiver can't be  taken along. I'll need to use the hot-rodded 
ICF-SW7600GR (with a  7.5" external loopstick) as a spotting receiver, and 
whatever size of  collapsible frame PVC loop I can design and build in 3 
days (probably a  24" square model) that will fit in a Corolla trunk. Whether 
this modest  setup can adequately test the D96L's 1 kHz selectivity in 
Grayland is  anybody's guess. But like you say, with the TP propagation changing  
rapidly, by the end of the month we should have strong Asiatic signals at  
home on our standard antennas-- including the new 9' sided tuned passive  
loop here.
73, Gary (in Puyallup,  WA)    
G’day Gary

I believe you in fact have three Oceanic stations (not  necessarily all 
Australian) mixing here… and I thought idenitfying 1 kw  South Pacific Islands 
Sporadic E FM DX was hard!!! This email is much  longer than it should be, 
my apologies, but to improve readability a bit,  I have put it into segments.

Female journalist  
I have listened to this about a dozen times now on headphones  via my 
DVD/HDD recorder, but it still has me wondering. About a third of  the way 
through, you can hear the voice of a female journalist/jock. I  distinctly 
recognize this voice as a female journalist from the 2SM Super  Network. They have 
translators here on FM on 103.9, 104.1 and 107.1 MHz so  I am very familiar 
with the network. The problem is, however, that I  cannot understand why she 
would be on-air at 10:30 pm local time on a  Monday night. 4KZ and Radio 
531 Port Mac only do “top of the hour” news at  this time. So there are two 
(a) the time noted down,  12:30 UTC, for this recording is wrong, it is in 
fact “top of the hour”;  or
(b) she is reading a community noticeboard bulletin during the ad  break – 
most commercial stations definitely do this & given the  skeleton on-air 
staff these regional stations have the journo would indeed  be doing it.

3GG can be  eliminated
The female journo can NOT be 3GG. They are taking  “Talking Back the Night”
 with Jamie Mac (who has a distinctive male  British accent) at this time. 
This programme is networked nationally out  of the Gold Coast (an hour drive 
from Brisbane). Some of the music  programming heard is almost certainly 
4KZ, doing love songs from the 70s  at this time. 3GG are adult contemporary, 
with a much more modern  playlist.

Male voice with  ID no help
I can indeed hear a male voice saying what maybe an  ID/sweeper, but all I 
can make out is a “y” or “why” which means nothing  to me. I think the 
voice talent is pretty poor, which leads me to think it  is more likely an ad 
than an ID/sweeper. If indeed it was an ID, it would  be an ID of a small 
independently-owned regional station, which rules out  3GG and Radio 531 Port 
Mac, who only use national voice talent. I’ve done  some on-air radio 
training myself in the mid 90s so I know most of the  voice talent on Australian 
commercial stations is done by only a half a  dozen people. I don’t recognize 
this voice. Of course, this is pure  speculation!!

4KZ propagates  extremely well
Based on signal strength here in Brisbane on the  Kchibo, with 2 KHz 
bandwidth selected and the stock internal antenna,  Radio 531 is extremely strong 
while 4KZ – a hell of a lot further away,  some 1,300 km– and using the 
same power is still very competitive. This  was checked last night at 4:30 am.

Closing  thoughts
I would be tempted to log both 4KZ and Radio 531 Port  Mac as “presumed” 
loggings in these circumstances. Ultimately, of course,  it is up to you. 
Sorry I cannot be more definitive, no smoking gun here  sadly.

Leigh Donaldson

--- On Wed,  29/7/09, D1028Gary@xxxxxxx <D1028Gary@xxxxxxx> wrote:

From:  D1028Gary@xxxxxxx <D1028Gary@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: July 26  Grayland, WA MP3's from Australia
To:  fm104rockinstereo@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Received: Wednesday, 29 July, 2009,  1:04 AM

Hello Leigh,
Thanks a bunch!
As I shared with you before, the 531 Australia stations have been a  
classic fiasco with me for over a year now. Attached is the latest  episode, with 
a new UnID station dominating over the "no ID" pop music  station 
(presumably 3GG, as you related). This new UnID has almost  religious-like music at 
the start of the recording, then has what  appears to be an ID (or maybe a 
song title) during the first minute. The  signal strengths were not bad, 
compared to what we usually get on 531  kHz here in North America.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated, Leigh-- thanks!
73, Gary 


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