[IRCA] TP's for 01-28-09
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[IRCA] TP's for 01-28-09

Good Morning:

Listened from 1330-1522 utc.  Dawn enchancement brought
in 5 stations after 1500 utc.  Lower band again much better
than the upper channels.

279    RUSSIA, Radio Rossii 1342 fair with jazz music. Still in at
          1518 with weak signal.
594    JAPAN, JOAK 1448 weak with splatter with woman in Japanese.
603    REPUBLIC OF KOREA, HLSA 1509 weak with Korean.
639    CHINA, CRN1 1519 Fair with a fading KFI with man in Chinese 
          and // 5030.
648    RUSSIA, VOA 1345 weak with Korean talk.
657    DPR OF KOREA 1521 fair with woman singing, // 3250
693    JAPAN, JOAB 1338 weak and battered in splatter.
774    JAPAN, JOUB 1339 fair to good at times with varying degrees
          of spaltter.  English conversation lessons.
828    JAPAN, JOBB 1414 weak with woman in Japanese.
1566  REPUBLIC OF KOREA, 1517 weak with woman talking.
1575  THAILAND, VOA 1511 very weak with bits of Asian language.

Salmon Creek, WA
JRC 545 Ewe NW
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