Re: [IRCA] ICF-S5W Slider Loopstick Transplant is... a DUD
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Re: [IRCA] ICF-S5W Slider Loopstick Transplant is... a DUD

Hi Kevin,
     Thanks for your comments.
     One of the reasons why this loopstick  experimentation (both Slider and 
monster composite bars) is so fascinating is  that you never really know what 
will happen, until you transplant your fanatical  creations into a new radio 
design.  You can have a phenomenal technical  breakthrough (like the slider 
E100's and slider DT-200VX), or the biggest  technical dud in recent history, 
like the ICF-S5W.  Although I've  never been to a casino, the feelings of 
anticipation must be about the  same.
     The ICF-S5W's stock loopstick is 6 1/4" x  3/8", so it's pretty close to 
the transplant size (that is, not a huge  difference like the E100, or 
DT-200VX). The ICF-S5W is completely  unimpressed by the Slider function, with all 
frequencies optimized within  about 1/10 inch, and changing mostly in audio, 
not signal strength.   Having performed about 15 alignments on the ICF-S5 (W) 
series radios, I was  kind of worried this might happen, since peaking the coil 
on 600 kHz was mainly  an audio judgement call, and not a sharp signal 
strength peak.  The best  Slider results are obtained when an alignment shows a 
razor-sharp peak on the  600 kHz weak station (i.e. the E100, DT-200VX, and C.Crane 
SWP turkey units),  making a sliding coil system critical in "spreading out 
the sensitivity" over  the entire AM band.
     The ICF-S5W's stock 455 kHz IF filter is not bad  for the basic portable 
genre, and it can be replaced by the Murata CFJ455K5  premium filter for 
razor-sharp selectivity (at the expense of its great audio  fidelity, however).  
But an analog radio like the ICF-S5W is never going to  be the first choice of 
transoceanic DXers, no matter how selective.  A  Slider E100 will run circles 
around it, because of the digital tuning and  memories.
     The ICF-2010 and ICF-SW7600GR stock portables both  have fixed loopstick 
coil systems, and cannot accept a Slider  system.  Both of them respond well 
to larger, composite ferrite bars,  however (the 30" loopstick ICF-2010 is 
"King of the Hill" here).
     Anyway, loopstick experimentation is a fun way  to spend the Puget Sound 
deep freeze :>)
     73,  Gary
In a message dated 12/21/2008 11:05:53 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
satya@xxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

Hey  Gary:

Thanks for delving into this project, even though the results  were less
than exhilarating.  Your experimentation is a big part of  what makes this
hobby keep growing!

Does the Amidon version benefit  at all from being able to tweak the
position of the sliding coil, or is the  stock unit well-matched to the
stock ferrite antenna up & down the  band?

I think you had mentioned before that the filters in the S5W were  not able
to be changed out, so perhaps the S5W is as good as it will ever  be.  The
engineers at Sony probably never guessed that something like  the Slider
e100 would make the sensitivity and selectivity on the S5W  seem....just

Praying the power stays on -  Kevin

> Hello Guys,
>      Not  every loopstick transplant is amazingly  successful-- some are a
>  lesson in humility.
>      After carefully  creating a 7.5" Amidon ferrite bar  loopstick wound
> with
>  40/44 Litz wire matching the ICF-S5W stock inductances (on  two  coils),
> and
> painstakingly threading the four Litz wires  through a tiny hole  so they
> wouldn't snarl the dial string, the  net result was....  exactly the  same
> sensitivity as the  stock unit!
>      With amazing successes in the  E100 and DT-200VX  Ulttralights, the
> overconfident transplant  tech was probably in need  of a lesson in
> humility, and  it
> certainly was delivered-- big time.
>     So now it's back to refining the E100 and DT-200VX  Slider  radios,
> both
> of which have managed to thrill everyone who has  tried  them.  With a deep
> freeze here, there should be time  enough for  many fanatical technical
>  projects.
>      73,  Gary  DeBock
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