Re: [IRCA] Vintage AM Receiver Nostalgia.....McKay Dymek AM7 and DA7 Active Ferrite Loop Antenna
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Re: [IRCA] Vintage AM Receiver Nostalgia.....McKay Dymek AM7 and DA7 Active Ferrite Loop Antenna

--- On Mon, 9/1/08, Robert Ross <va3sw@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Robert Ross <va3sw@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: [IRCA] Vintage AM Receiver Nostalgia.....McKay Dymek AM7 and DA7 Active Ferrite Loop Antenna
> To: irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Monday, September 1, 2008, 7:09 PM
> Hi Guys:
>    Well.......I was just digging thru some Boxes I had put
> away many years 
> ago looking for something...and guess what I found!! I had
> almost forgot 
> about having this Receiver and Antenna which I obtained in
> a trade back in 
> the early 1980's.
> What I dug out of Storage was a McKay Dymek AM7 Receiver
> and the Matching 
> DA7 Active Loop Antenna!! I think I also have the ORIGINAL
> Manuals for 
> these as well.....I have to go and check!! Yep....I just
> found the Manuals 
> and a Colour Broichure for the Antenna.
> I don't think I ever fired this thing up and used it as
> a DX Machine??? If 
> I did I can't remember doing it!!
> If I remember correctly...this Receiver and Antenna caused
> quite a stir 
> when it first came out?? I'm not sure if it ever lived
> up to the 
> expectations of everyone...but I believe it still has quite
> a Cult 
> Following and is quite collectable??? I don't think
> there was a lot of 
> these made..and I think they sold for a fair buck back in
> the late 
> 1970's??? They were actually made in the Good Ol'
> US of A!!!!
> Did anyone on the list have one of these back in the day???
> Better 
> yet....does anyone on the list still have one??? If
> so...what are your 
> comments on this Semi-Top End Receiver of the Late
> 1970's???
> I think I'm gonna keep it out and hook it up and see
> what it can do 
> .......once the AM Band gets going again this fall!!
> Everything is in Great shape and working fine. The only
> thing I'm missing 
> is......
> The previous owner must have removed the 2 NICE WOODEN 
> ENDS  from the 
> receiver. and the Rubber feet are missing from the
> Receiver. The Antenna 
> has the Wooden Sides still attached and the Rubber feet. I
> guess I could 
> always fabricate a new set of Wooden ends for the
> wouldn't 
> be too hard!!...And the Rubber feet are no problem!!
> Anybody know just how rare...or common these things are. A
> quick google 
> search shows that they were in demand at various times
> throughout the years 
> since they were produced!!
> Anyways.....instead of grumping about Iboc......and
> complaining about lousy 
> conditions.......who can tell me more about my Receiver and
> Antenna. Is 
> this thing worth it's place on my DX Shack Table?????
> Or should I put it 
> back in the box for another 25 years???
> Any Comments, Praises, Criticisms about this Dinosaur are
> greatly 
> appreciated and welcomed!!
> Whadya know about this thing????

These were built mostly for use by broadcasters. Sensitivity was OK, selectivity wasn't - the receiver is designed more for audio fidelity than anything lese. They aren't great for DX, but they do sound good for basic listening. 

Anything is collectible, and there's an AM-5 ono eBay right now bid up to a whopping $35. Hard to tell how many may still be in use or whether there's any market. My guess is give them a try, and since I doubt you'll find them hot for DX, unless you want to use them to just listen, maybe in another 25 years there'll be a better market ??

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA ( 360' ASL )
[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20id
FM: Yamaha T-80 & Onkyo T-450RDS w/ APS9B @15'
AM: Modified Sony ICF 2010 barefoot

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