All times CDT.
880 CKLQ MB Brandon. 0502. Country
music. Area temps. Lottery numbers.
1010 CBR AB Calgary. 0535 German news.
660 CFFR AB Calgary. 0540. "660 News
Overnight" Local ads.
770 CHQR AB Calgary. 0600. Local ads.
I.D. Local news.
620 CKRM SK Regina. 0039. Country
music. Ad for Regina Thunder Sports
1570 CKMW MB Winkler. 0728. Weather.
High 20C.
This has been a very rotten DX season. Poor conditions most of the time.
I believe these conditions are caused by the following three things.
1. Global warming.
2. Second hand cigarette smoke.
3. McDonald's fries.
Paul LaFreniere
Grand Marais, MN