[IRCA] TPs for 12-14-07
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[IRCA] TPs for 12-14-07

Good Morning:

Listened from 1311 to 1403.  Japanese powerhouse stations heard and China on 1593 
with fair signal.  I would say that conditions were somewhat above average for December.

189               Russia, Radio Rossii weak at 1323 with woman Russian.

279               Russia, Radio Rossii fair at 1423 with man in Russian, then
                     woman singing.

594              Japan, JOAK fair at 1503 with man in Japanese.
648               Russia, 1343 weak in Asian langauge. (Korean)?  Fair 1344.

693               Japan, 1420 weak with woman in Japanese.

774               Japan, JOUB fair at 1311 with woman in Japanese.

828               Japan, JOBB fair 1359 with music. 1418 good.

877               Japan , JOGB 1402 weak with man in Japanese.

1386             Unknown, 1448 weak Asian audio.  

1566             Republic of Korea, HLAZ 1404 fair but weak audio.

1575             Thailand, VOA 1405 fair with man in Asian langauge.

Vancouver, WA 
JRC 545
Ewe NW
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