Re: [IRCA] Sony SRF-59 Review
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Re: [IRCA] Sony SRF-59 Review

Gil, Powell, Nick, Kevin and Others,
     Thank you all for very useful information on  the SRF-59, SRF-M37V, 
ICF-S10Mk2 and the Sangean DT200VX radios. 
     Since all of these radios are relatively  inexpensive, it would be 
probably give the best service to potential  purchasers if all were ordered new in 
an equipment review, and compared to  each other in AM sensitivity, 
selectivity, image and spurious signal  rejection, and portability (maybe a "Battle of 
the Mighty Mites").  The  total cost of all these units, including shipping, is 
probably less than  $150.00, so I would be happy to do so.
     For the equipment review, I would be interested to  know if most of you 
would be satisfied with a simple comparison of these named  units, or whether 
you would prefer to also have a comparison between the  "winner" and the more 
traditional portable MW DX receivers like the ICF-2010,  ICF-SW7600GR, and 
ICF-S5W.  Thanks for all your comments and  suggestions.
                73 and Best Wishes,
                Gary DeBock

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