Re: [IRCA] Tests on 1030 & 1210
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Re: [IRCA] Tests on 1030 & 1210

Some of you posted to ask why the "looking promising"
tests aren't on the test calendar .....

>>>> Not to change the subject any but things look
>>>> promising for tests on 1030 and 1210 in mid
>>>> December.

> all and don't now remember which. These stations are both
> in Arizona. AFAIK they are still being developed. As a result

To me, the words "things look promising" and "still being
developed" means that AT THIS TIME there are NOT yet
any **scheduled tests**.   And some of you are complaining
because these tests that "look promising" [not my words]
aren't yet on the calendar. They aren't yet on the test
calendar because they are evidently still being developed.
That's why the question of whether 1030 or 1210 would
be better. And if they only "look promising" then they won't
yet be on the test calendar. Again the OP used the words "look
promising", not I.

- Bob

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