Re: [IRCA] KOHI-1600's Underwhelming Signal
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Re: [IRCA] KOHI-1600's Underwhelming Signal

Hello All,
     As the one who started the current KOHI-1600  thread, I apologize to 
Charles and other east coast DXers who are bored  to death with the overexposure 
of this  theme.  Actually, when I reported reception of KOHI a couple of  days 
ago, I expected only a few responses, and was very surprised that it  became 
the dominant theme on the list.
     With the complex issues of transmitter location,  low power, antenna 
directivity, and salt water enhancement, it has been entirely  DX related.  But I 
can understand how the discussion would be somewhat  irrelevant to an East 
Coast DXer, whose chance of receiving KOHI-1600 is about  the same as winning 
the lottery.
     Thank you for tolerating this west coast  discussion!
              73,   Gary

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