[IRCA] Radio Pinoy
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[IRCA] Radio Pinoy


"Pinoy" is the "pet name" or nickname for a Filipino; "Pinay," for a Filipina.
Pronounced (more-or-less), [pee-noy] and [pee-nigh]. More or less like 
but with a positive connotation.

As for RMN of WRMN, RMN = Radio Mindanao Network. It started with DXCC-780 (now
828) Cagayan de Oro City, on Mindanao Island. Expanded to include 
Philippine Herald newspaper (large circulation) and DZHP-1120 Manila (now 

RMN was the first true "network" in that it carried, via interisland 
microwave, hourly news originating from DZHP-1120.

The govt-owned Philippine Broadcasting Service, while a fairly objective 
and well-run and maintained organization, used shortwave (via DUH2-6170) as 
the link between Manila and the provincial stations.

I did a several-page piece on Philippine broadcasting in WRTH-76 (I believe 
that's the year). Also did most of the Philippine country section of WRTH 
starting in 1973.

Haven't much kept up with Philippine affairs since about 1980.

Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
Greenville, North Carolina 

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