Re: [IRCA] OT: Of elephants (and zoos?)
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Re: [IRCA] OT: Of elephants (and zoos?)

At 04:57 PM 3/23/2007 -0700, you wrote:
>As I wrote Colin earlier that Canada is no way a mouse. Not at all.
>Canada deserves the care and respect we should give all people. Canada
>has always been a very good friend of ours.  If Australian stations have
>turned off their DRM tests  because of QRM to New Zealand stations, we
>should in turn do the same thing with interference to our Canadian &
>Mexican friends.
>Patrick Martin
>KAVT Reception Manager


Here's what I wrote to Colin in my antepenultimate e-mail to him
(It looks like your a member of the Canada Fan Club, too):


I'm tired of the IBAC stuff, too. I think you misread me.

I've made it sort of a hobby to understand Canada, and how your people differ
from our own. Starting with Larry Herbert, who was an NRCer and lived up in
the Delta or Vancouver area, and who visited with me down in Indianapolis
in about 1962 and told me a lot about the differences between Canadians of
the prairies and the cities, East and West. Québequoise and Anglophones.

At 02:36 PM 3/23/2007 -0700, you wrote:

>I could not be bothered with a reply to the list.
>You have no idea how America (the nation)
>is perceived in Canada

>You have no idea who we are as people.
>The average American has NO idea what
>the nations capital is -- or who the "Prime minister" is.

Well, you got me there. Of course it's Ottawa, but I blundered a while ago
and thought your PM was still Jean Crétien. Oops. I was corrected.

>I know from 1st hand experience travelling in the USA
>on behalf of a Canadian University just
>how ignorant the average American is about
>global politics and geography.

You are right. No doubt about it. No argument

>Try this on for size:
>America has 700 military bases around the world -
>yes, some of them are the size of a large shoe box.
>It's not the point.
>Canada has 17 military bases and some of those are in Canada!
>Why is America so spread out? Why do they spend
>billions of dollars on defense?
>What are they defending themselves from?

Not from Canada, thank heavens. And if Canada ever has the 9/11
or the London subway experience, we will help if you ask. You
will have your experience, too. Canada has a democratic (and
diverse) society. That will earn you some lunatic group's hatred.

>Why are they always involved in some scuffle (small or large)
>somewhere? Why?
>Why is the American government always meddling in International affairs.

You have many who agree with that down here.

>A disservice to Canada my a$$.

You misunderstood me when you compared Canada to a mouse living
next to an elephant. I in no way consider Canada a nation akin to some
African or Baltic country. I place Canada amongst the important Euro
nations, e.g. France or Germany, in importance. Honestly, I've been
told, have read, and clearly see that Canadians seem to have to compare
Canada to the US and feel short-changed.

That's doing yourselves a terrible disservice. Compare yourselves to
the bulk of the nations of the world, and you come off looking excellent!

Rather like a OZland of the north. Except Aussies don't have to put
up with a mega-nation right next door.

>I am pretty much done with the IRCA list thanks.

You're not alone there, but I hang in there. I was present at the IRCA's
birth, and I'm not quitting now.  Canada's real problem is that there's
simply not enough Canadians who are deeply interested in MW DX
for you to have a functional MW DX club up there. So you have to
default to IRCA and NRC.

>Not your fault - none of this is.

Go ahead and get it out of you. I'm a good listener. Also, a good
dummy load (if you know what I mean).

>Just fed up with all the IBOC talk and the outcome for us
>Thanks for listening.

Give us hell, buddy. We deserve it. We can take it!



Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
Greenville, North Carolina

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Charles A Taylor, WD4INP
Greenville, North Carolina 
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