Re: [IRCA] TPs for 22 March
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Re: [IRCA] TPs for 22 March

Listening on and off between 1250 and 1430UT.  Conditions were better 
than yesterday.  As mentioned, a lot of the action was around 1300UT, 
with the low band not really recovering for sunrise (even though NHK2 
low banders hung in until nearer 1500UT):

reasonable audios (though often battling w/splash): 279, 594, 747, 
774, 828, 936, 963, 1278 (China, just pips, no ID heard), 1467 (not 
//NHK2, so possibly Korea), 1566 (blowtorch at times), 1575, 1593 
CC  (1512 had a couple of brief peaks, maybe Tagalog?)

not so reasonable audio, occasional words in splash or noise:  189, 
666 JJ, 675, 738 (DU I think), 918, 945, 972, 1206,  1269 (inflection 
might have been Tagalog??) 1287, 1323, 1377, 1386 JJ, 1422, 1475 
(strong carrier as always), 1521

Burbles in the splatter:  567, 702, 756, 1008, 1017, 1116, 1242, 
1368, 1377, 1503, 1557

Strongish het, no audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by 
splatter):  1035, 1494, 1548

Hard to get a good KBS1 parallel these 3930 even on the air anymore?

Oh....and had brief audio tonight (mx in the splash) from 1215  at 0520UT.

best wishes,


Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, B.C.


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