Re: [IRCA] FCC info on tone testers
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Re: [IRCA] FCC info on tone testers

It seems to me that a lot of people posting on this subject are making
assumptions -- because they have to given the paucity of reliable
and/or verifiable public info.

I don't believe that anyone has, so far, based on what has been posted,
gone to the FCC painting themselves as a DX'er. Glenn has some other
hats to wear, in two cases the people going to the FCC were
broadcasters. Second, there is no evidence yet shown that the FCC had
any prior knowledge of what was to take place until they had complaints
- one of which may have been from KDKA. 

Similarly, how is it better or worse for one person to presume illegal
activity based on clear and obvious willful interference and no
identification as versus another person to presume that everything is
legal based solely on one rather fragmented post claiming that was so.

I agree that the hobby already has a PR problem of long standing, which
will likely never be erased, and that adding to it is a bad thing --
but I'm not convinced that has really happened. I also agree that the
airwaves are public and that there was sufficient indication of
potential illegal activity for some to feel obligated to report it.

But right now, there's a great deal of supposition and not a whole lot
of fact.

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA ( 360' ASL )
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