Re: [IRCA] [am] TA season, BOGs etc etc
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Re: [IRCA] [am] TA season, BOGs etc etc

--- J999w@xxxxxxx wrote:

>  >

> But if you had 600 ft of wire laying on the ground, vs 600 ft of wire
> up 3ft 
> in the bushes ... which would give you louder Brazillians ?? If
> you're out 
> there, and had the choice ... which would it be?
> John K9RZZ

*** Not a question I can really answer, since I have no personal
experiences with real beverages, only BOG's. My initial post was to say
that our experiences paralleled the comments of others that BOG's
beyond 1000' started to be less effective with length vs. shorter ones.

Russ Edmunds
Blue Bell, PA  ( 360' ASL )
[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
40:08:45N; 75:16:04W, Grid FN20ID
FM: Yamaha T-80 & APS9B @15'
AM: Hammarlund HQ-150 & 4' FET air core loop

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