Re: [IRCA] (IRCA) Getting rid of the hash and dealing with it.
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Re: [IRCA] (IRCA) Getting rid of the hash and dealing with it.

Well said, Charlie. Self-inflicted QRM. Re Don's post, can anyone think of a product so cagily promoted? Why is the public still unaware of iBOC? One usually sells the customer before the product hits the stores.
Today's Radio World features article by high school teacher - relevance? - replete with acerbic dissemblings and tiresome rhetorical prevarications.
Worth reading to guage desperation of those foisting this gag on an unsuspecting public.
Writer says we must get past a 12AV6 mentality. Ironic, ain't it? Aren't 12AX7 studio mic preamps in demand? Small stations are on wait list as monopolycasters - iBLOC torch-bearers - buy them in quantity. Isn't this a contradiction?

Writer urges HD-Now! to catch up with ipod, etc., falsely noting ipod technical edge over AM. He knows better. Or should. ipod offers choice, not glitz. HD offers neither. 
Obvious point not made: iBLOC uber alles articles appear in trade mags. Why not tell public about their noisy 'digital future'?

Writer calls iBLOC detractors 'Luddites', another tiresome false comparison and mention ad hominem attack. He uses hackneyed car-horse debate of a century ago. More nonsense.

Writer compares iBLOC to FM Stereo as a justification for iBLOC-Now!. As we've long come to expect, he conveniently omits iBLOC's non-backward compatibility, let alone backward-destructiveness.
If readers are 'turned off', then why not turn off radio, pull plug, get used to reading as a hobby? This is not a done deal. HD-shonks are banking upon stealth and complacency to pull their gag on an unaware public.

Why let them get away with it?

As Don pointed out, engineers who promote this klunker do so under coercion - promote or be fired is the order du jour. Off duty, they've nothing good to say about HD.
Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasota Key, FL
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