Re: [IRCA] (IRCA) Getting rid of the hash and dealing with it.
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Re: [IRCA] (IRCA) Getting rid of the hash and dealing with it.


If someone out there can come up with a hash filter to knock the noice
down, we would have something! Other than phasing, I have not come up
with any way to reduce the noise. The bandwidth can be narrowed enough
to get some audio near the offending signal, but the noise is still
there  bigtime.  If everything was IBOC, you might as well throw your
analog radios away for low level DX catches. The powerhouses would
overpower the noise. At LSS, I get KONA 610 back ok, as it gains 10-15
DB more in signal as it gets towards night and the signal will overpower
the KPOJ 620 hash. So the strong signals will indeed make in through the
hash, but the signal has to be strong  to get through if the offending
station is strong like in the case of KPOJ and KEX.
KPOJ is S9+25 DB here during the day off the Eastern beverage (25 KW at
75 miles away). KONA 610 is 5 KW at 200+ miles away, at S9. The hash is
over S9 on 610!  So phasing the hash down enough on KPOJ to get rid of
it, leaves hardly any signal left for KONA. I hear it, but it is not
listenable. I am going to try a short BOG and phase that against the
beverage and see if that makes a difference. The problem is that both
KONA and KPOJ are East of me. KPOJ, SE, and KONA ESE. 
   In the case of KEX, SE of me too, but KLAY 1180 Lakewood WA, is NE,
so phasing the hash on KEX does not wipe out all of KLAYs signal, being
in a different direction. But with Night IBOC on the horizon, the skip
will adversely effect the phasing of the hash on channels, but the over
all signal strength is higher so more stations will be getting through.
At least the stronger ones.


Patrick Martin

Come to Seaside Oregon for the 2006 IRCA Convention! It will be held at
the Comfort Inn on September 22-24,2006.

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