[IRCA] An all-IBOC BCB? What would it be like?
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[IRCA] An all-IBOC BCB? What would it be like?

If stations routinely encode their ID into the IBOC data stream, and if all 
stations use IBOC, then we may have something going!

For the gurus of IBOC (Tom, put down your gun for a moment), what would be 
the effect of all MW stations broadcasting IBOC?

I thought about it for a while, and I came to the conclusion that it would 
be bad, really bad. It would probably have the effect of reducing an IBOC 
receiver's sensitivity by some 10 dB. The "hiss" sidebands radiated by an 
IBOC-equipped station would have the effect of random noise, and no present 
technology??I could be wrong??can filter out random noise.

A high-level DSP decoder could reduce random noise, but it would take a 
pretty hefty amount of intelligence. No amount of non-human intelligence 
can eliminate random noise.

I offer that as a topic.

73 de CharlieT the real WD9INP
(a li'l bit of rhyming there)

Charles A & Leonor L Taylor
   Greenville, North Carolina 

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