[IRCA] Receivers and DXing in the future
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[IRCA] Receivers and DXing in the future

I was thinking this afternoon about the comment Willis Monk made as I
was looking through the new WRTH. After being able to buy a pretty
decent receiver for a couple hundred dollars back in the 60s/70s, the
prices on the few receivers of today have really skyrocketed in price. I
see few standard communication receivers like the R8 (Drake is out of
the communication receiver business now), but there isn't a lot of new
ones to choose  that the average person can afford, unless you buy a
portable. Even the JRC 545 is going for $1800. I think the Palstar goes
for $600, and it is pretty decent and then the Yaesu 100, but I don't
know anything about the Yaesu.  The Palstar does not have a noise
blanker which I would need here. The new Palstar coming out in 2006 for
under $1,000 is supposed to have a lot of extra goodies including the
noise blanker. Basically an analog receiver with digital readout. Of
course you have all of the computer rigs, but they don't interest a lot
of us. Then the really high end ones like the Watkins Johnson unit for
$5500!!! Which is "Far" out of most people's pocketbooks. So the radio
situation has sure changed. QSLing isn't the only thing. I guess used
receivers may be the best way for some to go. But I was really surprised
on how things have really changed out there in just the past year or
two. Then to top it off the prospect of IBOC in the future across the
band doesn't help either. Things are sure a changin' like Bob Dylan
would say.



Patrick Martin
Seaside  OR
KAVT Reception Manager

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