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[IRCA] 702-BBC (Oman) Received in Hawaii

     During the recent Poipu, Hawaii Ultralight DXpedition a weak, strange station was showing up on 702 kHz under North Korea's ancient music (and throbbing, off-frequency hum) every morning from 1530-1630 UTC, with a foreign language that was a total mystery to me. Whenever I tried a recording the buzzing hum from North Korea would go on the warpath and derail the effort, and because of the station's marginal signal and NK's obnoxious transmitter it seemed like the 702 UnID would remain a mystery for the duration.

      Finally at 1604 UTC on November 6th the 702 mystery station built up its strength enough to push KCBS and its hum down into the noise, and I was able to get a good recording of a totally unfamiliar language  https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/3y5qkg7yu8o49lc4ab520bfiw006kqrg

Fortunately a couple of awesome Finnish DXers (Mauno and Mika) on Real DX identified the language as Arabic, coming from the BBC Arabic Service transmitter in A'Seela, Oman (at 8,425 miles, or 13,559 km). Even considering the 800 kW transmitter, this was pretty stunning DX for a 5 inch FSL antenna set up near the beach in Poipu, Hawaii.

     Checking John Bryant's records from his 2007 Easter Island DXpedition, I see that John received the 750 kW station 1413-BBC from A'Seela, Oman during his trip, but not this station. Considering the strength and reliability of 702-BBC into Hawaii, my guess is that it could put somewhat of a signal into the west coast in deep winter, especially on the ocean coast when propagation is still in play around 1600 UTC. At least one DXer that I know will be looking for it :-) 

Gary DeBock (DXing at Poipu, Hawaii from November 3-8)  https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/l61xhqoq9ki7b6kl9bz41yunangvr6ap


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