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[IRCA] DXpedtion to Listening Waters PEI 2018

Here are some of my LW/MW loggings from this year's DXpedition to Murray
Harbour North, PEI, Canada.  We challenged a 24 hour power outage, winds,
and rains at the beginning and end, and major geomagnetic disturbances.
Still, we soldiered on, and like my more familiar west coast DXpeditions,
there was always the new and wonderful to be shown by a great group of
DXers from Toronto and points east and south from there.  One couldn't ask
for a more collegial group of DXers to share the listening tables.  Thanks
again, everyone.  Check Bruce Conti's BamLog website for more pictures and
details!   73,   Walt Salmaniw (enroute home to Victoria, in Toronto, ON).

*Listening Waters DXpedition  Murray Harbour North, PEI 3 â 10 Nov 2018 *

*77.5 GERMANY Mainflingen 50 kW Standard time and frequency station, Nov 4
0146 - Heard at good level with time pips. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*153 ROMANIA Brasov 200 kW SRR Antena Satelor, Nov 4 0147 - Good reception
with traditional music.  Faded down a bit by 01:57.  Perhaps a cochannel
weakly in the background. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*540 HUNGARY Solt 2000 kw MR1 Kossuth Radio, Nov 8 2100 - Thanks for Niel
W. for alerting me to Kossuth Radio, totally dominating the channel at
times well over CBC in Newfoundland cochannel.  Distinctive chimes heard
first at 20:30, and again twice with the news at the TOH.  Many mentions of
'Orban', the right-winged president of the country, including a portion of
English (he must be at the EU parliament (?) giving a speech).  Checked
again at 21:25 and again dominating the channel.  Budapest clearly
mentioned at 21:27.  Continued to 21:30:20 when the transmitter was cut,
leaving Newfoundland 100% clear.  Nothing special at sign off heard.  Could
not see the transmitter cut off on the Perseus zoom function, though, but
suspect with a new Canadian (Nautel) transmitter, that they were likely
right on frequency, as the CBC appears to be, as well. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*540 MOROCCO Sidi Bennour 300 kW SNRT Al Idaa Welayat Janub Darfur, Nov 7
2000 - Clearly heard over local domestic CBC.   Arabic sounding and heard
on // 595 (the off channel, making it an easy //). (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*540 SPAIN Barcelona 50 kW Onda Cero, Nov 8 2059 - Newfoundland and Hungary
dominates this frequency, but just before the TOH, one could hear Spanish
numbers, so presumably Spain.  Fair copy. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*549  UKRAINE Luch 400 kW First Program Ukrainian Radio, Nov 7 2059 - After
a couple of days, Ukraine was back and peaking over Jill FM announcing at
20:47 the end of programming for the day.  Instead of the National Anthem,
there was a choral version of the spiritual anthem of Ukraine, called
'Molytva za Ukrayinu', or Prayer for Ukraine.  First time I've heard this
hymn ending programming.  Very good, before Jill FM resuming it's
dominance. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*549 ALGERIA Sidi Hamadouche 600/300 kW Jil FM, Nov 9 0458 - While probing
the overninght recordings, found Algeria's NA on, off course // to 531.
Both strong.  ID at the TOH following the very lengthy military style NA.
Military band, then a vocal version along with the band.  Fanfare at TOH.
Arabic with mention of 'Jil'. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*549 IRELAND Carrickroe 25 kW Spirit Radio, Nov 3 2002 - At the top of the
hour, English dominated....So it's Ireland (quite an Irish accent,
besides).   Good reception. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*549 IRELAND Carrickroe 25 kW Spirit Radio, Nov 9 0328 - I'm following this
frequency of interest in my SDR overnight recordings.  Brief 'Spirit Radio'
ID at 03:28, followed by longer ID, FM and AM 549 ID after 03:30.  MWList
has them on 04 - 22 but not the case here!  The dominant station on at this
time.  Modern pop music. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*549 IRELAND Carrickroe 25 kW Spirit Radio, Nov 9 2300 - Absolutely
armchair copy at 22:55 with local ads and Spirit Radio ID.  Best reception
so far, before fading down somewhat, as Jil FM returned.  Very pleased with
that copy.  Then on to 1575 to hear Italy signing off with their NA!  A
nice way to end our DXpedition to Listening Waters!. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*549 UKRAINE Mykolayiv/Luch 400 kW Ukrainian Radio Persha (1st Program),
Nov 3 1955 - Sometimes over, usually under Jill FM at sometimes good+
level.   Sports talk, which sounded quite Russian to me, but think in
Ukrainian with a lot of Russian terms being used?. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*595 MOROCCO Oujda 50 kW SNRT Al Idaa Al-Watania, Nov 7 2005 - Good
reception on this off-channel and // to 540 (under local CBC). (Salmaniw,

*675 QATAR Al-Arish 600 kW QMC Radio Qatar, Nov 9 2125 - Very strong with
light Arabic vocals by YL initially followed by an OM.  In sync with web
feed here:  http://qatarradio.qa/Live <http://qatarradio.qa/Live>   I'm
pleased with this one!. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*720 GREENLAND Simiutaq 10 kW KNR- Kalaallit Nunaata Radioa, Nov 9 2106 -
Excellent reception in the clear with distinctive Greenlandic talk. Bodes
for better northerly conditions this afternoon and evening!. (Salmaniw,

*783 SYRIA Tartus 300 kW SRTV 1 Dimashk, Nov 6 2223 - While listening to
the Spaniard (COPE), I started to hear a cochannel in Arabic.  Turned out
to be // to the webstream (interesting with a .ru web address:
https://ok.ru/live/911714950774 <https://ok.ru/live/911714950774>  Seems to
have no delay at all, but can take a while to log-on.  Good reception.  No
// noted. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*783 SYRIA Tartus/Besira 300 kW SRTV 1 Dimashk, Nov 9 0003 - Very strong
reception with a call-in program in Arabic, and // to webfeed noted in
MWList.org.  No AM parallels noted, though.  Occ fade revealing a jumble of
other stations. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*801 SPAIN Multiple stations RNE, Nov 6 2243 - A mess of stations on this
channel, none particularly strong.  Zooming on the Perseus, I'm seeing 5
stations, and after carefully calibrating, here they are in order of
strength:   801.000, 800.990, 800.958, 801.055, and 801.004.  Fun to chace
carriers.  Checking MWList Offsets, these might correspond to:  RNE
Castellon/Almazora (800.962), RNE Burgos/San Bartolome (800.9903), RNE
Lugo/As Arierias (801.0001), IRIB Kashmar (801.0041....the weakest one),
and RNE Girona/Campllong (801.050).  All perhaps!. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*819 EGYPT Batrah 1000 kW ERTU Al-Barnameg al-Aam, Nov 6 2305 - Almost good
level Arabic talk, but unfortunately unable to produce audio out of the
link provided on MWList (http://live.sis.gov.eg/live/
<http://live.sis.gov.eg/live/> ).  Says it's connected, but no audio.  Not
much else on frequency that fits.  Even better by 23:08 with Arabic vocal.
Confirmed by a very loud signal from a Italian remote KiwiSDR. (Salmaniw,

*828 AZORES Monte das Cruzes 1 kW RDP Acores Antena 1, Nov 8 2015 - Fair,
almost good at times with a football play by play.  Language seems
Portuguese, so a presumed logging.   Could not // to 693, nor internet
audio feed.  After some searching, I found that Sporting is playing Arsenal
at the Emirates stadium, so undoubtedly them!. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*837 SPAIN Sevilla, Burgos or La Coruna (50, 5 or 2 kW) COPE, Nov 5 2040 -
It's all Spain, all the time this afternoon with the solar disturbed
conditions.  Very strong, with a marked echo, so presumably at least 2 COPE
transmitters, with Sevilla with 50 kW the strongest and most likely here,
but another is also clearly audible with a vey slight delay. (Salmaniw,

*882 UNITED KINGDOM Washford 100 kW BBC Radio Wales, Nov 4 0233 - BBC WS ID
at fair to almost good level only.  I see that the fellas in Victoria are
hearing things well on this frequency,but not sure who they are seeing.
(Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*945 IRAN Dehgolan 100 kW IRIB Radio Kordestan, Nov 3 2030 - Very nice
reception with ID for Radio Kordestan.  Excellent level.  Well over
cochannel Arabic sounding station. // to off channel 1476.26 or so (good
with 20 kW from Marivan).   Other listed // on MWList was 999, but not
heard here. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*945 UNITED KINGDOM Bexhill-on-Sea 0.7 kW Smooth Radio, Nov 9 1935 - Fair
reception, mostly dominating this channel, with, 'Heard it on the
Grapevine', confirmed with ID at 19:38 and playlist on-line. (Salmaniw,

*963 TUNISIA Tunis 100 kW RTT Radio Tunis Chaine Internationale, Nov 6 2128
- Good reception with songs, 'Oh, what a night', and 'I did it my way' (in
French).  French chatter between the songs. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*963 TUNISIA Tunis 100 kW RTT Radio Tunis Chaine Internationale, Nov 5 1958
- I was wondering who the German speaker was.  Good reception, with mild
splatter.  It'sTunis (I would not have guessed!).  19:59:30 off, and
switched to Bethoveen. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*981 ALGERIA Ouled Fayet 300/100 kW Chaine 2, Nov 5 0504 - Good reception,
in fact very good at TOH in presumed Berber.  Piano instrumental and other
very enjoyable music at 05:06.  YL announcer. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*990 SPAIN Bilbao 25 kW/Cadiz 5 kW SER, Nov 6 2100 - 990 is dominated by
the CBC Radio 1CBY from Cornerbrook, Newfoundland, but at the TOH,  the
Spaniards almost dominated with Spanish sports programming.  Note 2 sites
are listed.  No echo noted, however. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1008 HOLLAND Zeewolde 100 kW GrootNieuws Radio, Nov 6 2107 - As Bruce
Conti opines, a junk frequency, but at 2100, I hear a monotoned female
speaker which does not at all sound Spanish.  An hour earlier at 20:00, the
Spanish/Canary Island station(s) are definitely audible at weaker level.
No signs of them an hour later.  At 20:01:45 what sounds a lot like Greek
music is briefly heard.  I'm thinking this may be ERA from Kerkyra with 50
kW. At 20:03 one can definitely hear Spanish sports play by play.
Otherwise the dominant speaker seems to be, 'a happy woman', whom most
likely is from GrootNieuws Radio in Dutch.  Leaning thowards this one as
the most consistent.  Poor at 22:00 recheck.  Note the Dutch station is
listed to close 01 Jan 2019.  Checked 20:00 wav file on 3 Nov 2018 when
European conditions were much better.  Very good reception of the Dutch
station, with many ads, mentions of Nederland.  Thanks for confirmation of
GrootNieuws Radio in a clip submitted to RealDX. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1035 ESTONIA Tartu 100 kW Radio Eli/TWR, Nov 4 0311 - Good reception with
Russian religious talk.  Very stable signal.  Great modulation.  Some
splatter noted. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1053 SPAIN Zaragoza or Castellon 20 and 5 kW COPE, Nov 5 2106 - Same out
of this world experience with both COPE transmitters on same frequency with
audio delay on one of them.  Overall good+ reception tonight. (Salmaniw,

*1170 SLOVENIA Beli Kriz 15 kW Radio Capodistria, Nov 5 2059 - Very nice ID
in Italian, just before the TOH.    No sign of Iran, nor UAE today.  Did
fade down after the TOH revealing several cochannels, but impossible to be
sure who they are, and whether TA or domestic. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1170 UAE Al-Dhabbaya 800 kW Sawt Al-Joumhouria, Nov 7 2131 - Excellent
reception with modern Arabic chants and drums.  Occasionally, Slovenia
fades up (Radio Capodistria from Beli Kriz 15 kW) in Italian, but not very
often.  Very nice reception, as one would expect with 800 kW!. (Salmaniw,

*1179 ROMANIA Bacau/Galbeni 400 kW SRR Radio Romania Actualitati, Nov 4
0229 - Excellent reception with modern rock music.  // to internet feed.
SER tried to fade up, but not with very much success. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1188 IRAN Tehran 300 kW IRIB Radio Payam, Nov 10 0045 - Often excellent
strength with very enjoyable international music.  Back to traditional
Iranian music at 00:46. Checking their website, this is their morning
program.  Here's what their website states (at
<http://www.radiopayam.ir/ProgramHome/?m=024100> ):  At dawn, from ?:?? to
?:?? AM, the dawn with awareness and information approach tries to create a
sensory and emotional mood for the night through the use of immortal music
and utilizing materials such as anecdotes and prayers of the elders of
religion and texts about themselves Thinking in the blessings of God
creates a good atmosphere for your audience. The use of rich treasures of
prose Persian poetry, proverbs, and proper songs and phrases, and the
creation of a spiritual atmosphere for the night-lovers, and ultimately,
encouraging them to perform, timely demands.'  Very nice, indeed.  Not
Hungary, as I originally had thought, as not // to webfeed. (Salmaniw,

*1251 HUNGARY 25 kW 2 sites Danko Radio, Nov 3 1953 - Excellent reception
with instrumental music.  // to webstream and 1116 (thanks, Bruce!).
Latter is cochannel, though. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1314 IRAN Ardabil 50 kW IRIB Radio Iran, Nov 9 2030 - Time pips at the BOH
noted, and then clearly 'Radio Iran' into the usual NA or such.  Mostly
under cochannel RNE 5 stations.  Fair to good. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1323 UNITED KINGDOM Brighton/Sothwick 0.5 kW Smooth Radio, Nov 9 2049 -
Good reception besides the adjacent splatter, with oldies music.  No signs
of anyone else on frequency.  Very good at 20:52.  Follow you, Follow me by
Genesis at 20:53.  Strong!   Thanks to Neil Wolfish for immediately IDing
it.  Not bad for 500 w. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1377 ARMENIA Gavar 500/50 kW TWR Asia, Nov 3 2053 - Often very strong in
Arabic (as listed in MWList), with cochannel below nominal which is Iran
(OM vs YL from Armenia).  Faded as we're approaching TOH. (Salmaniw,

*1386 LITHUANIA Viesintos 150 kW Radio Baltic Waves International, Nov 3
2017 - Very strong reception with Radio Liberty programming in
Belorusssian.  Adjacent splatter is still relatively strong.  Rechecking,
shows they are very strong at times.  Noted at 21:22 talking about the
recent granting of Tomos to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Kyiv
Patriachy.   Identified their leader (Patriarch Filaret).  Radio Svoboda
ID.   Belorussian language. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1413 MOLDOVA Grigoriopol 500 kW Vesti FM, Nov 7 2015 - Mostly RNE Radio 5
(with 3 transmitters of 25, 12 and 10 kW), but occasional Russian fading up
to good level, but not very often.  Spain is excellent. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1413 OMAN A'Seela 800 kW BBC WS, Nov 3 2021 - Very strong English
programming, but faded down to be replaced with Vesti FM in Moldova with
500 kW in Russian.  By 20:22, music dominated, which turns out to be RNE
Radio 5 with 3 transmitters of 10, 12, and 25 kW.  They also rapidly faded
down.  Thisis what makes MW fun.  Stay on a frequency, and you'll go from
station to station to station!. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1422 ALGERIA Ouled Fayet 50 kW Radio Culture, Nov 5 1928 - Good to very
good reception with Arabic talk by OM.  Soothing voices, akin to NPR
programming in my mind!   Some adjacent splatter. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1422 ALGERIA Ouled Fayet 50 kW Radio Coran, Nov 6 0107 - With several Arab
stations here, wasn't sure who it was, but did finally find the correct
link at the Radio Algeria website for Radio Coran, and confirmed (as was
advised by my DXpedition attendees) by the audio feed found here:
<http://www.radioalgerie.dz/live/tab-chCoran.html>  Up to good reception,
on an otherwise lacklustre evening. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1431 DJIBOUTI Djibouti/Doraleh 600/300 kW Radio Sawa, Nov 9 2210 -
Excellent reception with Arabic music.  Faded down somewhat by 22:14.
Amazing what a few kW will get you!. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1431 DJIBOUTI Doraleh 600 or 300 kW Radio Sawa, Nov 3 2010 - Very good
reception with Arabic female vocal.  Faded down revealing just a
mish-mash.  Only briefly before they came back at great level. (Salmaniw,

*1449 IRAN Bandar-e-Torkaman 400 kW IRIB World Service, Nov 9 1814 - Listed
in MWList as Turkish to 18:20, but NA at 18:15, followed by some strident
talk, with mentions of Iran.  Transmitter cut at:  18:16:00.  Happy with
this early catch.  No one else on frequency at the time.  Fair+ reception.
(Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1458 GIBRALTAR Maida Vale 4 kW Radio Gibraltar Plus, Nov 5 2131 - In the
clear with Tina Turner's Private Dancer, good reception with nice ID at the
BOH, but shortly after, I did hear, 'Lyca Radio'.  The UK station is 125
kW, but with auroral conditions, not an issue.  Soon gone again, and strong
signal from Gibraltar.  Not bad for 4 kW!   ID'd again at 21:38:20, 'on FM,
AM, DAB and on-line', I think. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1458 UNITED KINGDOM Brookmans Park 125 KW Lyca Radio 1458, Nov 9 1826 -
Good reception with South Asian music.  // to web feed at:
http://www.lycaradio.com <http://www.lycaradio.com>.  Faded out replaced by
someone else before the BOH. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1467 FRANCE Rououles 1000 kW Trans World Radio, Nov 5 2139 - Excellent
reception in listed Kabyle.  Not surprising, as they're super power and we
are hearing that part of Europe/North Africa very well this afternoon.  TWR
IS and into Arabic at 21:45.  Had to look up 'Kab', which I found out is
part of an internationally recognized coding for languages, used in MWList,
found here:  https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
<https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php>. (Salmaniw,

*1494 MOLDOVA Cahul (30kW) and Edinet (20 kW) Radio Moldova Actualitati,
Nov 9 1950 - Good reception and // to audio feed at:
<http://radiolive.trm.md:8000/PGM1_128kb.m3u> Traditional Moldovan/Romanian
music.  Appears to be right on 1494.000, while there's a weaker cochannel
measuring 5 Hz low. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1521 SLOVAKIA Rimavska Sobota 10 kW SRo 3 Radio Devin, Nov 4 0035 - Good
reception in Slovak by YL   // at same time to 1098 (a more jumbled
frequency),  702 is also mentioned, but not heard. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1530 SAO TOME Pinheira 600 kW VOA, Nov 3 2031 - Good reception in English
with an African music program (Ethiopian).  Usually dominates the frequency
over any domestic channel. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1548 MOLDOVA Grigoriopol 1000 kW TWR, Nov 7 2039 - Took me a while to
figure out the language.  Most strange!  It's Hungarian, with many mentions
of Bethlahem.  Very good reception with minor cochannel presence.  Mentions
of Budapest at 20:59.  Almost oriental sounding music.  TWR IS at 20:59:50
x 1 and into Serbian programming.  Ah, a language I can follow!. (Salmaniw,

*1575 IRAN Jammer agains Radio Farda, Nov 3 2041 - Tremendous noise jammer
well over Radio Farda, which is also well heard.  Buzzing +++   Excellent
signal strength. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1575 ITALY Genova 30 kW RAI Radio 1, Nov 5 1915 - Very good reception with
only a hint of the Iranian jammer today.  Discussion between an OM (in
studio) and a YL (at the other end of a feed). (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1593 FRANCE Saint-Goueno 10/5 kW Bretagne 5, Nov 9 1900 - Good reception
with weather forecasts in French.  Mostly over another cochannel station
with music.  Suspect the latter is Romania. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1615 HOLLAND Zwolle, 1250 watts Mike Radio, Nov 8 2100 - An interesting
afternoon here.  A couple days ago, Mike Radio's op contacted me about a DX
test to our PEI DXpedition.  We agreed upon 21 to 22 UTC tonight.
Unfortunately, conditions into north-central Holland were not ideal, so he
QSY'd to 1618 upon our recommendation due to splatter from 1610 here.
Occasionally faded up to fair+ levels, but often down in the mud.  I did
record the broadcast from the U Twente SDR, though, where conditions were
generally good.  Inverted L antenna mounted at 18.5 m elevation, and 22.5 m
length.  A fun part of our hobby.  Many mentions directed at us with our
names, location (PEI), and what we were doing here.  Thanks, Mike!.
(Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1624 EUROPIRATE Unid, Nov 5 0442 - Presumably Greek pirate with non-stop
music at good level at times, including C&W music.  The brief announcements
are mostly undermodulated, but I suspect Greek, but not entirely sure.
(Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1629 Europirate, Nov 6 2057 - Powerful signal, but of course faded down in
time for TOH!  Greek style sounding music.  Many interruptions with chat,
in presumed Greek.  Very good at times!   Wonder who they might be???  1625
is the other rather strong Europirate, and sounding very much like the
Dutch pirate Bluebird. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1698 SPAIN La Coruna EAR La Coruna Radio, Nov 8 2039 - Spanish Coast Guard
radio with warnings including in English.  'Regional warning, number xxxxx,
etc'.  Concluded at 20:42:45.  Espania Coast Guard heard at 20:40.
(Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*

*1710 USA Jersey City, New Jersey 10w WQFG689 and 1 other., Nov 5 0435 -
Once the power was restored after a 24 hour outage, I became aware of 2 TIS
stations, about equal in strength.  The initial prominent one was a long
loop from Hudson County, Office of Emergency Management. There are
apparently 5 transmitters licensed, each 10 watts.  The other cochannel was
a slightly muffly sounding male speaker, with more highway information,
which should be the Pennsylvania Turnpike TIS.  An FCC search, though,
didn't come up with any other TIS station besides the first one.  The IRCA
TIS list from 2018, does have others.  K...760 is listed for the PA
station.  I was unable to find out anything else about this 2nd station.
Listening carefully, though, I'm still hearing mentions of New Jersey and
highway advisory, cochannel by the female voice, which I'm sure is the
WQFG689 station .  Perhaps one or more of the 5 stations listed under that
ID is carrying another program?  There is mention of www.???.org (I
think).  Listening again, it's www.511NJ.org <http://www.511NJ.org>.   This
frequency bothered me, so I listened again at 22:50 the next afternoon, and
there they were again.  With help of Bruce Conti who had laid a south
directed wire, I could now work out who the 2 stations were:  The New
Jersey station, again (mostly dominant), with the slightly muffly male
speaker, and the female speaker, occasionally fading up, being the National
Parks Service TIS station at the Springfield Armory National Historic Site
in Springfield, Mass.  Glad to have that mystery solved!. (Salmaniw,

*1730 EUROPIRATE unid, Nov 8 2327 - Pretty powerful at times with non-stop
technomusic.  Not sure who this is, or from where, but without doubt, a
Europirate.  Occasional splatter from a marine USB broadcast (from Norway)
on 1728. (Salmaniw, P.E.I.)*
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