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[IRCA] Michigan TPs, October 26th, 2018

Local sunrise = 12:12 UTC

A pathetic report compared to the inspiring reports coming from the west
coast, but this may interest other Midwesterners.

I turned on the radio at 10:20 UTC and found presumed Asian carriers on
1116, 1134 and 1566.  At 10:24 UTC, 1566 started to gain strength and even
produced some threshold audio.  By the time I was able to check for a HLAZ
parallel, it dropped back down, and a few minutes later the excitement was
over.  These were on the North DKAZ and were not present on my DU favoring
southwest BOGs.  I may have to get up a bit earlier tomorrow morning just
before HLAZ sunset and have another go at this.  1098 Mrashalls also noted
in passing with a fair signal and clear island music for the first time
this season.

DUs were mostly a dud this morning, but the weak Asian signals were neat to
see on the SDR because they are so rare here.

Tim Tromp
West Michigan
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