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[IRCA] Michigan TPs, October 24th, 2018 (two new ones)

Conditions were different this morning with what I assume were Asian
carriers showing up on the lower part of the band.  I say "assume" because
they were only present on my North DKAZ on frequencies like 774, 828, 891
(which had multiple hets), and some others.  I've only had Asian signals
like this once before, during the last solar minimum.  I may regret this
later, but I decided to flip back to the southwest BOGs and record DU stuff
as the North DKAZ had a lot of neighborhood QRM this morning.  The
results?  Two new ones and another personal distance record.

After years of chasing the carrier, I finally crossed Tonga off the list
this morning.  1017 had weak talk and a taste of that famous "island music"
that I've heard so much about.  All of it matched Tonga's online audio
stream as I was listening live.  Local sunrise was 12:11 UTC and audio
started to come up around 11:56 UTC and lasted for just a few minutes.  New
log and a new country here.

729 had weak audio from a man and woman talking at 12:12 UTC.  Still
listening live, I compared audio in real-time to the Kiwi SDR in Lewiston,
South Australia and feel confident in the match.  So 5RN Adelaide goes into
the logbook for another new DU log this morning.  It also knocks
yesterday's Tasmania out of the running as my furthest BCB log at 10,002
miles (16,096 km).  Perhaps in the coming days, as sunrise is later, I'll
be able to hear some fanfare at the bottom of the hour if these excellent
conditions stick around.

Tim Tromp
West Michigan
Perseus SDR + Southwest phased BOGs & 117 FT North/South DKAZ
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