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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 14 March 2018

Apparently it took another day for the good conditions to spread a big further east, as this morning was one of the best Japanese mornings of the season, with a number of rarer visitors making an appearance today.
531	JOQG	Morioka, JAPAN		End of vocal, then talk by man at 1243, //594.

567	JOIK	Sapporo, JAPAN		Slow vocal by a woman, //594.

585 JOPG Kushiro, JAPAN Talk by woman, musical bridge, then talk by man, //594 a 1328
594    JOAK    Tokyo, JAPAN    Slow vocal by woman at 1341

684	unID	Traces of talk by woman at 1331

693 JOAB Tokyo, JAPAN Man and woman in English during language lesson at 1217.
774    JOUB    Akita, JAPAN    //693 woman in Japanese during language 
lesson at 1334.
828    JOBB    Osaka, JAPAN   //693 with woman in Japanese during 
language lesson at 1320.
972	HLCA	Dangjin, S.KOREA    Piano music at 1303, then woman in Korean

1017 JOLB Fukuoka, JAPAN Man and woman in English during language lesson at 1239.
1116    4BC	Brisbane, AUSTRALIA	Weak today, with interview by a man at 1252

1134	JOQR	Tokyo, JAPAN	In and out with talk in Japanese at 1253.

1242	JOLF	Tokyo, JAPAN	woman in Japanese at 1302

1287	JOHR	Sapporo, JAPAN	Man and woman conversing in Japanese at 1237.

1386	NHK2	synchros, JAPAN	Traces of audio at 1323

1503	JOUK	Akita, JAPAN	Woman in Japanese at 1326, //594

1566    HLAZ    Jeju, S.KOREA    Hymn sung by a woman at 1236.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, Alberta
Perseus SDR and Wellbrook Phased Array
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